
Citation – Primary Source

Event / Description






Folder F3753:292, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from General John K. Lamerich, Company Commander, Oregon Volunteers, to Governor Johnson stating his men are driving Old John, Chief, and his men after defeating them three times, into California. Warns Johnson they may cause trouble and he isn’t sure his men will follow into California. Warns if they join up with Klamath Indians – big trouble. Suggests Johnson take action. Written at Headquarters, Southern Army, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:290, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Walter McDonald to Governor Johnson recommending a David Sutherland as Company Commander of a volunteer company on Klamath and Trinity Rivers vs. Indians and a E.G. Wescott as Quarter Master and Commissary for company. (Klamath County), (McDonald may have returned to Sacramento, no heading no date). Written in 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Secondary Sources only:

Roberts, Robert B. Encyclopedia of Historic Forts: The Military, Pioneer, and Trading Posts of the United States. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1988, 74-75.

Whiting, J.S. and Richard Whiting. Forts of the State of California. Lonview: Daily News Press, 1960, 40.

Lockhart’s Fort – Local incident near Fall River Mills, Shasta County, not a military installation.
Built by Sam Lockhart and others; on a hill near Fall River Mills, Shasta County.

No copy of document; citation only.


Jan 1856

Secondary Source only:

Roberts, Robert B. Encyclopedia of Historic Forts: The Military, Pioneer, and Trading Posts of the United States. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1988, 65.

Post at Crescent City (Camp Crescent City) established by 4th Infantry, Fort Humboldt, during Red Cap war.



AG Dead Office File, Row 6, File 2
The National Guard of California, 1849-1880 (Part.1), Compiled with the Assistance of the Work Projects Administration from Records in the Adjutant General’s Office of California and the California State Library (Sacramento, 1940), 123.

Forest Rifles, Company C, (Sierra Battalion) Fourth Division, Second Brigade, Forest City, Sierra County.



Folder F3753:267, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Petition from citizens of Klamath County, near Crescent City, asks for company of volunteers to protect their lives and property. Written in Sacramento, January 10, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:268, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Copy of petition to Governor from citizens of Klamath County. Written in Sacramento, January 10, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



“Klamath Reservation.” Weekly Humboldt Times, January 12, 1856: p. 2, col. 2.




“Movement of U.S. Troops.” Weekly Humboldt Times, January 12, 1856, p. 2, col. 2.

50 U.S. troops transported on Quoddy Belle from Fort Humboldt to Crescent City.



“Indian Difficulty at Chico.” Weekly Butte Record, January 12, 1856: p. 2, col. 3.




Folder F3753:269, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Governor Johnson to Senate and Assembly forwarding petition from Klamath County. Citizens requesting company of volunteers to protect against Indians. Says his predecessor had authorized 30 men but didn’t know what actions had taken place. Has draft copy included. Written in Sacramento, January 15, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:270, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Requisition from Governor Johnson for 40 percussion rifles, plus accounterments and appendages and 5000 rounds of balls and caps for 40 mounted riflemen under a C.A. Hillman, Company Commander. Unit part of 2nd Brigade, 6th Division, California Militia. Written in Sacramento, January 18, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



“The Northern Indians.” Weekly Humboldt Times, January 19, 1856: p. 3, col. 1.




Folder F3753:271, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Governor Johnson to Major General Wool, Company Commander, Pacific Department, inquiring if he has sent troops to Crescent City or plans to soon. Asks for help so he won’t have to send volunteers. Written at Executive Department, Sacramento, January 19, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.




“Indians in Nevada County.” Nevada Democrat, January 23, 1856, p. 2, col. 2.

Nome Lackee



Folder F3753:777, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from General Kibbe, Adjutant General, to Governor Johnson transmitting the muster roll, service roll vouchers for supplies, for Captain William Martin’s Company from Siskiyou County. Also enclosed certificate from Judge and Sheriff and County and letter from Captain Martin. Suggests Governor send to Legislature. Written in Sacramento, January 25, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:291, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Committee Report to citizens of Crescent City on visit to Ill River Indians attempting to settle trouble between them and whites. Indians complain whites live in their valley and have whipped them. Committee traded blankets for Indian guns; brought 9 Indians back for further negotiation. Written in Crescent City, January 26, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:292, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from General John K. Lamerich, Company Commander, Oregon Volunteers, to Governor Johnson stating his men are driving Old John, Chief, and his men after defeating them three times, into California. Warns Johnson they may cause trouble and he isn’t sure his men will follow into California. Warns if they join up with Klamath Indians – big trouble. Suggests Johnson take action. Written at Headquarters, Southern Army, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:778, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from J. Guthers, Secretary of Treasury, California, to Governor Johnson with list of officers, retired or deceased, from State Volunteers who still owe money to State. Asks Governor to provide last residence or that of next of kin. Written in Sacramento, January 28, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:234, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Government form from George W. Manypenny, Commander of Indian Affairs presumably to Governor Johnson transmitting volumne 5 of work; Information Respecting the History, Condition, and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States. Written 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:235, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Brigadier General Winn, Company Commander, 1st Brigade, 4th Division to Governor Johnson stating R.W. Crandall refused to accept position of Commisary in Winn’s Brigade and requesting Governor to commission L.B. Hopkins instead. Written in Sacramento, January 29, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:236, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Brigadier General Kibbe to Governor Johnson transmitting commissions of officers elected in San Francisco Blues. Written in Sacramento, January 30, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.








Secondary Sources only:

Roberts, Robert B. Encyclopedia of Historic Forts: The Military, Pioneer, and Trading Posts of the United States. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1988, 64.

Strobridge, William F. Regulars in the Redwoods: The U.S. Army in Northern California, 1852-1861. Spokane: The Arthur H. Clark Company, 101.

Whiting, J.S. and Richard Whiting. Forts of the State of California. Lonview: Daily News Press, 1960, 18.

Camp Cap-El (Camp Cappell), temporary summer camp of Company B, 4th Infantry located closed to an Indian village, Cap-El, at Camp Cap-El (Camp Cappell) on Cappell Bay, on west side of the Klamath River, 10 miles below the mouth of the Trinity River.



“Man Killed.” Weekly Humboldt Times, February 3, 1856: p. 2, col. 6.

“Man Killed.” Weekly Humboldt Times, February 3, 1856: p. 2, col. 6.



“Volunteer Company.” Weekly Humboldt Times, February 9, 1856: p. 2, col. 5.




Folder F3753:237, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Brigadier General Kibbe, Adjutant General, to Governor Johnson transmitting list of all state General Militia Officers with date of rank. Written in Sacramento, February 9, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



P. Clayton, Report of the Second Auditor of the Treasury, February 9, 1856, Sen. Exec. Docs., 34 Cong., 1 Sess., Vol. 6, Doc. 19, pp. 1, 232-248 (815).

Includes individual disbursements to California Superintendency.



AG Dead Office File, Row 5, File 7
The National Guard of California, 1849-1880 (Part.1), Compiled with the Assistance of the Work Projects Administration from Records in the Adjutant General’s Office of California and the California State Library (Sacramento, 1940), 131.

Petaluma Guard, Company D, First Infantry Batallion, Fifth Division, Second Brigade, Petaluma, Sonoma County.



“Legislature.” Weekly Humboldt Times, February 16, 1856: p. 2, col. 3.

“Legislature.” Weekly Humboldt Times, February 16, 1856: p. 2, col. 3.



Folder F3753:238, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Brigadier General Kibbe, Adjutant General to Governor Johnson transmitting commissions for officers elected by Petaluma Guards. Written in Sacramento, February 27, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:272, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Petition from G.R. Pratt and others to Governor Johnson asking help from hostile Indians. Says 15 settlers killed previous summer and they are desperate. Written at Klamath River, February 29, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.







Folder F3753:273, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Major General Patrick Harris, Company Commander, 6th Division, California Militia, to Governor Johnson saying Harris read of Indian massacre of volunteers and citizens at Gold Beach near Rogue River. Volunteers services for immediate duty for self and militia if Governor needs them. Written at Bidwell, March 2, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:274, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Governor Johnson to Legislature saying he had discussed Indian situation in Crescent City area with General Wool, Company Commander, Pacific Division, and asked him if more troops are being sent there and had requested letter from Wool for information. Written at Executive Department, Sacramento, March 5, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:275, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Order from Governor Johnson to D.N. Gilmore to proceed to Crescent City analyze situation, and if warranted, to organize volunteer company under J.B. Roseborough. Written at Executive Department, Sacramento, March 7, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



“Indians of the North.” Weekly Humboldt Times, March 8, 1856: p. 2, col. 2.




Folder F3753:239, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from P.H. Hams to Governor Johnson expressing surprise that his California Militia Commission had been given to another. Says Butte County clerk did not forward oath of office but Hams had accepted commission in October, 1855. Forwarded certificate to General Kibbe, Adjutant General, assumes that takes care of matter. Written in Bidwell, March 8, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:275, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from John W. Park to Governor Johnson, saying Wool a granny who may or may not take field. Says something must be done about arms for state, they still under Wool’s control. Would like to raise another company, as one authorized can’t function for some reason. Written in Crescent City, March 10, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:277, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Report from David Gilmore to Governor Johnson in which he states no Indian danger at that time. Will know within 10 days after U.S. Army campaign against Rogue River Indians. Will let him know. Written in Crescent City, March 18, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



“Legislative.” Weekly Humboldt Times, March 22, 1856: p. 3, col. 1.




“Indian Hostilities.” Weekly Humboldt Times, March 22, 1856: p. 3, col. 1.




Folder F3753:743, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Colonel A.K. Cary, Ordinance Department, U.S. Army to Governor Johnson asking for description of arms required by State for 1856. Says California’s quota for year is 183 11/13 muskets. Any arm ordered is costed out at rate of muskets. Written at Ordinance Office, Washington, D.C., March 27, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



“Attack by a Party of Indians on Cooper’s Mill, Eel River.” Weekly Humboldt Times, March 29, 1856: p. 2, col. 3.




“Indians of the Klamath and Trinity.” Weekly Humboldt Times, March 29, 1856: p. 2, cols. 3-4.




Folder F3753:278, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Report from David Gilmore to Governor Johnson stating Indians in So. Oregon have been committing outrages but no requirement at Crescent City for volunteer company. Says U.S. Army troops should be able to keep trail open to Oregon at no cost to state. Says if Indians beat Army they will need all forces in that part of country. Written in Crescent City, March 31, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:279, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from D.W. Gilmore to Governor Neely Johnson, informing him that a Major Allen, U.S. Quarter Master thinks he will have 90-100 troops available to sail to Vancouver on the Guliah, private ship. Written in San Francisco, March, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.








AG Dead Office File. Row 5, File 6
The National Guard of California, 1849-1880 (Part.1), Compiled with the Assistance of the Work Projects Administration from Records in the Adjutant General’s Office of California and the California State Library (Sacramento, 1940), 149-152.

Placer Rifles, Fourth Division, Second Brigade, Auburn, Placer County



Placer Rifles. Item No.: B3412-1, 2nd Brigade, 4th Division




“From Hoopa Valley.” Weekly Humboldt Times, April 5, 1856: p. 2, cols. 2-3.




“War with the Indians.” Weekly Trinity Journal, April 5, 1856: p. 2, col. 3.




“Sheriff Neblett returned last night…” Weekly Trinity Journal, April 5, 1856: p. 2, col. 4.




Folder F3753:280, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from John S. Hughes to The Commander in Chief of the State of California stating he and other citizens had organized a volunteer company in September, 1855 but hadn’t received arms or commissions and would like them sent at once as their services were needed. Written at Sawyers Bar, Klamath County, April 6, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:281, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Order by Governor Neely Johnson calling out a company of volunteers under David Sutherland to protect citizens of Klamath, Humboldt, Siskiyou Counties from Indians. Written at Executive Department, Sacramento, April 7, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:240, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from County Judge P. Shaffer to Governor Johnson certifying election of Daniel E. Hungerford as Major of California Militia for volunteer units in Sierra County. Written in Downieville, Sierra County, April 8, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:744, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Sylranus Gorgowan(?) to Governor Johnson volunteering to fight Indians and asking Governor’s assistance to attain the means, i.e. money and arms to do it. Claims to be old soldier with much experience. Semi-literate but interesting. Written in Grass Valley, April 8, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



George W. Manypenny to Benjamin Pringle, April 8, 1856, in Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, addressed to the chairman of the Committee on Indian Affairs, relative to the accounts of Oliver M. Wozencraft, H. Misc. Docs., 34 Cong., 1 Sess., Vol. 2, Doc. 93, pp. 1-2 (867).

Regarding accounts of Oliver M. Wozencraft.



Folder F3753:282, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Report from David Gilmore to Governor Johnson to effect that no word yet from Oregon Expedition but that Hoopah Indians may be getting ready for hostilities. Has plan for U.S. Army to patrol trail and says he has seen Major General Wool who agrees and furnished 50 men. Written at Crescent City, April 9, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:283, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Brigadier General Wm. Kibbe, Adjutant General, to David Sutherland ordering him to disband or not form volunteer company to protect Klamath, Humboldt, Trinity Counties. Cancelled order of April 7, 1856. Written at Headquarters, California Militia, Sacramento, April 10, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



“Independent Companies.” Weekly Humboldt Times, April 12, 1856: p. 2, cols. 2-3.




“From Crescent City.” Weekly Humboldt Times, April 12, 1856: p. 2, col. 3.




“The Indian War.” Weekly Trinity Journal, April 12, 1856: p. 3, col. 1.




AG Dead Office File, Row 4, File 5
The National Guard of California, 1849-1880 (Part.1), Compiled with the Assistance of the Work Projects Administration from Records in the Adjutant General’s Office of California and the California State Library (Sacramento, 1940), 153-154.

Crescent Rifles, Sixth Division, Second Brigade, Crescent City, Klamath County



Item No.: B3413-2, Military Unit Designation: 2nd Brigade, 6th Division

Crescent Rifles, Sixth Division, Second Brigade, Crescent City, Klamath County



“Indian Disturbance in Mendocino.” Weekly Humboldt Times, April 19, 1856: p. 2, col. 2.




“Eel River, Mr. Editor.” Weekly Humboldt Times, April 19, 1856: p. 2, col. 4-5.

Information re: formation of volunteer company.



“A Good Move.” Weekly Humboldt Times, April 19, 1856: p. 2, col. 2

Citizens on Eel River organizing an independent company.



“Indians on Trinity.” Weekly Humboldt Times, April 26, 1856: p. 2, col. 3.

“Indians on Trinity.” Weekly Humboldt Times, April 26, 1856: p. 2, col. 3.



“Cow Creek War.” Nevada Democrat, April 30, 1856: p. 2, col. 4.




Folder F3753:244, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Dispatch from Captain Foster DeMaster, Company Commander, Tulare Mounted Rifles to Governor Johnson acknowledging receipt of four commissions and requesting arms and ammunition as soon as possible. Written in Visalia, April 30, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:245, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Petition from Tulare Mounted Riflemen to Governor Neely Johnson to commission Dr. S.G. George, Company Surgeon. Written in Visalia, April 30, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.








Folder F3753:241, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Adjutant General, U.S. Army to Senator J.B. Weller acknowledging receipt of letter from Governor of California containing muster rolls and returning letter as requested. Written in Washington, D.C., May 2, 1856.



Folder F3753:242, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Adjutant General, U.S. Army to Governor Johnson acknowledging receipt of letter containing muster rolls. Written in Washington, D.C., May 3, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



AG Dead Office File, Row 3, File 3
The National Guard of California, 1849-1880 (Part.1), Compiled with the Assistance of the Work Projects Administration from Records in the Adjutant General’s Office of California and the California State Library (Sacramento, 1940), 155-163.

“Citizens of Crescent City”, Sixth Division, Second Brigade, Crescent City, Klamath County.



Item No.: B3415-1, 2nd Brigade, 6th Division

“Citizens of Crescent City”, Sixth Division, Second Brigade, Crescent City, Klamath County.



“Indian Outbreak in Shasta County.” Weekly Humboldt Times, May 3, 1856: p. 2, col. 6.




“Mouth of Salmon.” Weekly Humboldt Times, May 3, 1856: p. 2, col. 4.




“Nome Lackee Reservation.” Weekly Humboldt Times, May 3, 1856, p. 3, col. 1.

Nome Lackee



“Removal of the Indians.” Weekly Humboldt Times, May 3, 1856, p. 3, col. 1.

Klamath Reservation



Folder F3753:285, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Wallis McDonald to Governor Neeley Johnson reporting Gilmore’s raising of volunteer company and of Indians burning house in Smith River Valley. McDonald assured Governor need for volunteers until regular army troops arrive. Says Wool is right in actions. Written in Crescent City, May 4, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:284, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from David Gilmore to Governor Johnson. Some modifications to Wool’s orders on men to patrol trail are straightened out. Gilmore authorized 30 men for 30 days to take field against Smith River Indians who burned two houses. Tells Governor he will try and disband early. Written in Crescent City, May 5, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



AG Dead Office File, Row 4, File 5
The National Guard of California, 1849-1880 (Part.1), Compiled with the Assistance of the Work Projects Administration from Records in the Adjutant General’s Office of California and the California State Library (Sacramento, 1940), 164.

Eureka Blues, Company D, Fourth Division, Second Brigade, Eureka City, Sierra County



Eureka Blues. Item No.: B3414-2, 2nd Brigade, Co. D, 4th Division




Folder F3753:246, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Governor Johnson to Dr. George authorizing him to draw arms and ammunition from Benicia for Tulare Mounted Rifles. Governor warns to keep expenses down, protect and defend, not attack. Written in Sacramento, May 8, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



AG Dead Office File, Row 5, File 5
The National Guard of California, 1849-1880 (Part.1), Compiled with the Assistance of the Work Projects Administration from Records in the Adjutant General’s Office of California and the California State Library (Sacramento, 1940), 165-166.

Scott River Guard, Sixth Division, Second Brigade, Scott River, Siskiyou County



Scott River Guard, Item No.: B3412-1, 2nd Brigade, 6th Division

Scott River Guard, Sixth Division, Second Brigade, Scott River, Siskiyou County



“Stars and Stripes in the Mountains.” Weekly Humboldt Times, May 10, 1856: p. 2, col. 1.




“News Items — Indian War in Klamath County.” Weekly Humboldt Times, May 10, 1856: p. 2, col. 5.




“Orleans Bar.” Weekly Humboldt Times, May 10, 1856: p. 2, col. 6.

Klamath Guards mentioned.



Folder F3753:247, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Telegram from Dr. George to Governor Johnson telling him situation is more serious than before in valley. Asks authority to raise company of volunteers to go back to Tulare with him. Written in Stockton, May 12, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:286, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from J.B. Roseborough to Governor Johnson asking permission to increase his volunteer company to 50 men, implying the U.S. Army can’t or won’t help defend against Indians. Repeats usual story of Smith River Valley burnings and estimates of large numbers of Indians in area. Written in Crescent City, May 16, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



“Klamath Correspondence.” Weekly Humboldt Times, May 17, 1856: p. 2, col. 3.




“Important Intelligence from Orleans Bar; From Salmon River.” Weekly Humboldt Times, May 17, 1856: p. 2, col. 4.




“Cow Creek War.” Weekly Humboldt Times, May 17, 1856: p. 2, col. 6.




Othertype 287, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Roseborough to Governor Johnson. Again he states he doubts if the U.S. Army will be able to protect citizens after his company is disbanded on June 5. Says they will only guard trains to the Rogue River area. Written in Crescent City, May 24, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:243, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Major General James Walsh, Company Commander, 4th Division, California Militia, to Governor Johnson tendering resignation of commission. Written in Grass Valley, May 26, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:248, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Order from Governor Neely Johnson to General E.H. Beale directing him to proceed to Tulare County and endeavor to obtain peace between Indians and whites. Says use force as last resort but keep expense down and don’t fight if possible. Written in Sacramento, May 26, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Othertype 288, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from D.W. Gilmore to Governor Johnson reporting on situation at Crescent City. Said he finally authorized Roseborough to raise company but expects U.S. Army to guard trails. Points out Indians on Klamath Reservation must be fed as they are from other areas and have no rights to hunt and fish on Klamath Indian property. Written in Sacramento, May 26, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:289, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Original report from Gilmore to Johnson on Klamath County Indian troubles. Written in Sacramento, May 26, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:290, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Walter McDonald to Governor Johnson recommending a David Sutherland as Company Commander of a volunteer company on Klamath and Trinity Rivers vs. Indians and a E.G. Wescott as Quarter Master and Commissary for company. (Klamath County), (McDonald may have returned to Sacramento, no heading no date). Written in 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



“Eel River.” Weekly Humboldt Times, Weekly Humboldt Times, May 31, 1856: p.3, col. 1.








June 1856

C.H. Rundell to Lieutenant F. H. Bates, June 1856, in Appendix no. 4 of the Report of the Secretary of War, Sen. Exec. Docs., 34 Cong., 3 Sess., Vol. 3, Doc. 5 pp. 150-152 (876).

Discusses conditions on Klamath Reserve.



Folder F3753:249, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Report from General Beale to Governor Johnson to effect that he has concluded a peace treaty with all Tulare County Indians except one tribe and they will disperse. To be fed by agents until Superintendent of Indian Affairs arrives. Written at Camp Gaston, June 10, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:250, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Governor Johnson to Major General Samuel Booker saying he will get Kibbe to sign commissions upon his return. Says Beale only temporary general to settle Tulare War. Written in Sacramento, June 11, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:293, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from J.D. Cosby, Major General, Company Commander, 6th Division, California Militia, to Governor Johnson stating he has sent 30 men on a scouting expedition to observe the actions of the Modock (sic), Klamath Lake, Applegate, Klamath River Indians, all of whom he thinks have turned hostile and united. If true, he will have to take extended actions; needs arms, Captain Martin has 40 guns all available. Written at Headquarters, 6th Division, California Militia, Yreka, June 12, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:251, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Report from Subagent Lewis to Superintendent of Indian Affairs Thomas Henley telling him that Beale took over all dealings with Indians and arbitrarily dispatched them to new locales, promising them food, clothing and protection from whites if they obeyed. Lewis says they are now at different Indian farms. Written at Fresno Indian Farm, June 14, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:252, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from W.J. Campbell to Thomas Henley, Superintendent of Indian Affairs saying that Beale has moved Indians to King’s River Farm and ordered a Jennings to feed them. Jennings has placed beginning order and Campbell cautioned him to be careful of expenditures. Campbell states Beale would take pleasure in running the Department into heavy expenses. Written at Fresno Indian Farm, June 14, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



John E. Wool to Lieutenant Colonel L. Thomas, June 17, 1856, in Appendix no. 4 of the Report of the Secretary of War, Sen. Exec. Docs., 34 Cong., 3 Sess., Vol. 3, Doc. 5 pp. 149-150 (876).

Discusses poor state of California Indian Superintendency.



Folder F3753:294, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Governor Johnson to Major General John E. Wool, Company Commander, Pacific Division asking for help against Indians in north. Encloses letter from Cosby. Says he doesn’t want to use state troops. Written in Sacramento, June 17, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



“Battle with Indians at Big Meadows.” Weekly Humboldt Times, June 21, 1856: p. 2, col. 4.




Folder F3753:253, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from M.B. Lewis, Subagent to Henley – complaining of Beale’s treaty in particular and the many different counsels given Indians in area in general. Says he can handle them, others should leave him to do it. Written at Fresno Indian Farm, June 21, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Storms to Henley, June 21, 1856, Mf. RG 75, Series M 234, Roll 35:373.

Cited in:
Lynwood Carranco and Estle Beard, Genocide and Vendetta: The Round Valley Wars of Northern California, (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1981), 51-54.

No copy of document; citation only.

S.P. Storms establishes Nome Cult Farm 6/14/1856 (later known as Round Valley Reservation) in northern part of Round Valley; per Beard, Storms was former Indian trader, was hired by Wozencraft as an interpreter for treaty negotiations, and was in charge of the “Nevada station” on the Nome Lackee reservation where Grass Valley and Yuba River Maidu Indians lived; Storms claimed Nome Cult Valley for U.S. government on 6/14; Indians in the valley told him that a number of women and children had been taken away by white men.



Folder F3753:254, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Thomas Henley, Superintendent of Indian Affairs to Governor Johnson stating that Beale will do anything to embarrass the Department of Indian Affairs, particularly in that area. Says he may not be able to meet Beale’s promises in treaty. Says will support Governor best he can. Private letter, no official statement. Written at San Francisco, June 24, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:255, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Thomas Henley, Superintendent of Indian Affairs to Governor Johnson stating he has received letter informing him of treaties negotiated by E.F. Beale but until they are submitted in writing, can’t be recognized. Asks Governor that future transactions with Indians include his agents. Warns failure to keep promises will further estrange Indians veiled hostility. Written in San Francisco, June 24, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Robert C. Buchanan to D.R. Jones, June 24, 1856, document “A” in Appendix no. 4 of the Report of the Secretary of War, Sen. Exec. Docs., 34 Cong., 3 Sess., Vol. 3, Doc. 5 pp. 155-157 (876).

Discusses Indian affairs in Oregon and Northern California.



Folder F3753:295, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from D.D. Calton to General Wm. Kibbe, Adjutant General, enclosing muster rolls of Scott River Guards and requesting arms. Says the Guards can beat all Indians in state with the Vigilance Committee thrown in. Written in Yreka City, June 26, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:256, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from T. Henley, Superintendent of Indian Affairs to Governor Johnson enclosing letters from his agents complaining about Beale’s negotiations with Tulare Indians. Says he doesn’t think serious trouble will result, implies not Beale’s fault there isn’t bad trouble. Written in San Francisco, June 26, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:257, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from T. Henley to Governor Johnson enclosing a letter from Henley to Beale with a request that if Johnson approves of letter he will forward it to Beale as it contains questions concerning the Indian treaties Beale concluded with Tulare Indians. Written in San Francisco, June 27, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:258, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from T. Henley, Superintendent of Indian Affairs to E.F. Beale, former Brigadier General, California Militia, in which Henley asks Beale just what were the provisions of the treaties he negotiated with Tulare Indians. Letter implies that Beale exceeded authority and that Henley was now committed to a program he couldn’t or wouldn’t support. Written in San Francisco, June 27, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



“An Act: Punish Vagrants, Vagabonds, Dangerous and Suspicious Persons.” Weekly Butte Record, June 29, 1856: p. 1, col. 3.








July 1856

J.R. Vineyard to Thomas J. Henley, July 1856, document no. 101 of Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Sen. Exec. Docs., 34 Cong., 3 Sess., Vol. 2, Doc. 5, pp. 797-800 (875).

Provides annual report for Tejon reservation.



“The Mendocino Reservation.” Weekly Humboldt Times, July 5, 1856, p. 3, col. 1.




Folder F3753:259, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from E.F. Beale to Governor Johnson reporting that he has attained peace with all the tribes in the Tulare area. He ordered some to the reservation on King’s River others to Yocole Valley. In either case, the Indians were promised subsistance by Superintendent of Indian Affairs Henley. Beale says must keep feeding Indians and keep party of dragoons in field. Resigns Brigidier General Commission. Also reports presents and settlers losses. Written in San Francisco, July 12, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:263, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Papers pertaining to Tulare County Indian outbreak. Includes: deposition by Governor Neely Johnson, report dated June 10, 1856 and one date July 12, 1856 by Brigadier General E.F. Beale on his peace settlements with various Indian tribes (bands) in Tulare County; deposition of Colonel Ed Byrne concerning expenses, a list of presents to Indians; itemized damages by the Indians, receipt for money advanced by Johnson to Beale. Written in Sacramento and San Francisco, June/July, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Jas. A. Patterson to Thos. J. Henley, July 15, 1856, document no. 102 of Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Sen. Exec. Docs., 34 Cong., 3 Sess., Vol. 2, Doc. 5, pp. 800-801 (875).

Discusses conditions of Indians on and around the Klamath Reservation.



Folder F3753:260, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Certified copy of E.F. Beale’s expenses for transportation to Fort Tejon from San Francisco and return. Includes copies of receipts for $924.00. Written in San Francisco, July 17, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:261, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from E.F. Beale to Governor Johnson enclosing copies of his various expense accounts accrued during service in negotiations with Tulare Indians. Mentions that all presents given at the Councils were furnished by subagents and thus are chargeable to Federal not state. Written in San Francisco, July 17, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:262, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from E.F. Beale to Governor Johnson transmitting travel expenses for Tulare Indian expedition to him. Written in San Francisco, July 17, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



M.B. Lewis to Thomas J. Henley, July 22, 1856, document no. 104 of Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Sen. Exec. Docs., 34 Cong., 3 Sess., Vol. 2, Doc. 5, pp. 803-807 (875).

Discusses conditions of and treatment of Fresno and Kings River Indians, labor issues.



Folder F3753:265, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Memo for record to effect that Governor Johnson had paid $500 for services by E.F. Beale during Tulare Indian troubles. Written in Sacramento, July 24, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



H.L. Ford to Thomas J. Henley, July 25, 1856, document no. 105 of Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Sen. Exec. Docs., 34 Cong., 3 Sess., Vol. 2, Doc. 5, pp. 808-809 (875).

Discusses condition of Indians at Mendocino Reservation.



E.A. Stevenson to Thomas J. Henley, July 31, 1856, document no. 103 of Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Sen. Exec. Docs., 34 Cong., 3 Sess., Vol. 2, Doc. 5, pp. 801-803 (875).

Discusses conditions at Nome Lackee reservation, and Indian slavery.








Folder F3753:296, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Governor Johnson to General J. Cosby, Company Commander, 6th Division, California Militia, telling him to take necessary measures against Indians in No. California. Cautions on need for absolute economy. Says U.S. Army can’t or won’t help, says no arms/ammunition available to send. Written in Sacramento, August 4, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



H.M. Judah, Report of H.M. Judah, August 7, 1856, in Appendix no. 4 of the Report of the Secretary of War, Sen. Exec. Docs., 34 Cong., 3 Sess., Vol. 3, Doc. 5, pp. 181-184 (876).

Concerns hostilities near Tule Lake as recorded by the Yreka Union. Includes article.



“Klamath Reservation.” Weekly Humboldt Times, August 16, 1856: p. 2, col. 3.




Geo. W. Manypenny to R. McClelland, August 16, 1856, in Message of the President of the United States, Communicating, In compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 11th instant, copies of letters and vouchers in support of claims presented by and allowed to John C. Fremont, Sen. Exec. Docs., 34 Cong., 1 Sess., Vol. 16, Doc. 109, pp. 19-20 (825).

Discusses Fremont’s accounts for beef agreed to by Indian Commissioners.



James Guthrie to the President of the United States, August 16, 1856, in Message of the President of the United States, Communicating, In compliance with a resolution of the Senate of the 11th instant, copies of letters and vouchers in support of claims presented by and allowed to John C. Fremont, Sen. Exec. Docs., 34 Cong., 1 Sess., Vol. 16, Doc. 109, pp. 1-2 (825).

Discusses claims by John C. Fremont.



John E. Wool to Lieutenant Colonel L. Thomas, August 19, 1856, in Appendix no. 4 of the Report of the Secretary of War, Sen. Exec. Docs., 34 Cong., 3 Sess., Vol. 3, Doc. 5 pp. 180-181 (876).

Discusses poor state of the Indian Dept. in California.



Folder F3753:297, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Governor Johnson to Major General Cosby, Company Commander, 6th Division, California Militia saying he sent orders but will send again on return to Sacramento. In general, says get with it and do what is needed. Written in Marysville, August 20, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



“Indian Agent Shot.” Sonoma County Journal, August 29, 1856, p. 2, col. 4.

Nome Lackee



“Personal.” Weekly Humboldt Times, August 30, 1856: p. 2, col. 1.




“More Depredations by the Indians.” Weekly Trinity Journal, August 30, 1856: p. 2, col. 3.




Jas. P. Goodall to Thos. J. Henley, August 30, 1856, document no. 106 of Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Sen. Exec. Docs., 34 Cong., 3 Sess., Vol. 2, Doc. 5, pp. 809-811 (875).

Discusses Northern California Indian war campaigns.








Folder F3753:264, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Memo from Governor Johnson to E.F. Beale enclosing Comptoller’s Warrant for $500.00. Says next Assembly doubtless meet the deficiency in your expenditures. $500.00 was out of Governor’s contingency funds. Written in Sacramento, September 1, 1856.

No copy of document; citation only.



John E. Wool to Lieut. Col. L. Thomas, September 3, 1856, in Appendix no. 4 of the Report of the Secretary of War, Sen. Exec. Docs., 34 Cong., 3 Sess., Vol. 3, Doc. 5 pp. 185-186 (876).

Refers to political and financial concerns of volunteers fighting the Indians.



Thos. J. Henley to Geo. W. Manypenny, September 4, 1856, document no. 100 of Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Sen. Exec. Docs., 34 Cong., 3 Sess., Vol. 2, Doc. 5, pp. 787-797 (875).

Discusses conditions of Indian farms and reservations in California.



“The New Trail from Trinidad.” Weekly Humboldt Times, September 6, 1856: p. 2, col. 1.




John E. Wool to Lieut. Colonel L. Thomas, September 19, 1856, in Appendix no. 4 of the Report of the Secretary of War, Sen. Exec. Docs., 34 Cong., 3 Sess., Vol. 3, Doc. 5 p. 184 (876).




“The Indians on the Klamath.” Nevada Democrat, September 24, 1856: p. 2, col. 4.









“Petaluma and Weaverville Road.” Sonoma County Journal, October 3, 1856: p. 1, col. 3.




“The Bald Mountain Diggers.” Weekly Humboldt Times, October 4, 1856: p. 2. col. 3.




“No Indians to be Found.” Weekly Humboldt Times, October 11, 1856: p. 2, col. 1.




“Fight with the Indians.” Weekly Butte Record, October 18, 1856: p. 2, col. 3.




“A Man Shot by Indians Down the Coast.” Weekly Humboldt Times, October 25, 1856: p. 2, col. 2-3.




“Anticipated Deluge in 1856-7.” Nevada Democrat, October 29, 1856: p. 2, col. 4.




Secondary Source only:
Roberts, Robert B. Encyclopedia of Historic Forts: The Military, Pioneer, and Trading Posts of the United States. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1988, 63.

Camp Near Butte Creek, temporary camp garrisoned by Company D, 4th Infantry.








“Chastising the Indians that Shot Hicks.” Weekly Humboldt Times, November 15, 1856: p. 2, col. 1.




“Salmon.” Weekly Butte Record, November 22, 1856: p. 2, col. 6.




Geo. W. Manypenny, Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, November 22, 1856, Sen. Exec. Docs., 34 Cong., 3 Sess., Vol. 2, Doc. 5, pp. 554-580 (875).

Relevant California affairs on page 568.



“Narrow Escape from Drowning.” Weekly Humboldt Times, November 29, 1856: p. 2, col. 1.




R. McClelland, Report of the Secretary of the Interior, November 29, 1856, Sen. Exec. Docs., 34 Cong., 3 Sess., Vol. 2, Doc. 5, pp. 174-188 (875).

Refers to Indian colonization policy pp. 186-188.








“Varieties: Indians about Marysville.” Nevada Democrat, December 3, 1856: p. 1, col. 6.




Jeff’n Davis, Report of the Secretary of War, December 1, 1856, Sen. Exec. Docs., 34 Cong., 3 Sess., Vol. 3, Doc. 5, pp. 3-27, 147-148 (876).

Contains year end summary. See pp. 3-27 and 147-148 for references to California.



“Mr. Editor: As You Have Lately Lost Your Indians.” Weekly Butte Record, December 7, 1856, p. 3, col. 2

Nome Lackee



AG Dead Office File, Row 3, File 6
The National Guard of California, 1849-1880 (Part.1), Compiled with the Assistance of the Work Projects Administration from Records in the Adjutant General’s Office of California and the California State Library (Sacramento, 1940), 184.

Oroville Guard, Company A, First Brigade, Oroville, Butte County, reorganized May 27, 1861.



Oroville Guard . Item No.: B3414-2, 5th Brigade, Co. A

Oroville Guard, Company A, First Brigade, Oroville, Butte County, reorganized May 27, 1861





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