Guidelines for Citing Resources at California Indian History Website

The types of resources found at the California Indian History website include essays, multi-media, video, primary sources and other online content. The purpose of this section is to provide citation guidelines and sample formats from the following handbooks, manuals and reference works. The California Indian History website generally follows the Chicago Manual of Style (16th Edition, 2010). The examples below are suggested models only. You should confirm preferred citations of online materials with your teacher, department, or publisher.

APA (6th edition)

These examples follow Concise Rules of APA Style, 6th ed. (Washington DC: American Psychological Association, 2010).

+ – Essays

In-text Citation

(Johnston-Dodds and Supahan, 2016)


Johnston-Dodds, K., & S. Supahan. 2016. Involuntary Servitude, Apprenticeship, and Slavery of Native Americans in California. Retrieved from

+ – Multi-Media

In-text Citation



Gomes, P. (2010). California Indians – A Neglected Legacy {video}.  Retrieved from

+ – Primary Sources

Primary sources are the historical documents found in the California Indian History timelines, essays and primary sources links.

In-text Citation

(Hanson, G. M., Hanson to William P. Dole, July 15, 1861, p. 757)

Reference List

Hanson, G.M. (1861, July 15). [Letter to William P. Dole].  Document no. 56 of Report of
the Commissioner of Indian Affairs
, Sen. Exec. Docs., 37 Cong., 2 Sess., Vol. 1, Doc. 1, pp. 756-761
(1117). The California Indian History Website. Retrieved from

MLA (8th edition)

These examples follow MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 8th ed. (New York: Modern Language Association of America, 2016). MLA advises including the source medium (e.g., Web) and the access date. MLA also suggests eliminating the url, but we have shown it in the examples for Lists of Works Cited in case your teacher or department wants it included.

+ – Essays

Parenthetical Documentation

(Johnston-Dodds and Supahan, 2016)

List of Works Cited

Johnston-Dodds, Kimberly and Sarah Supahan. “Involuntary Servitude, Apprenticeship, and Slavery of Native Americans in California.” The California Indian History Website. 2016. Web. 1 April 2016. <>.

+ – Multi-Media

Parenthetical Documentation


List of Works Cited

Gomes, Patricia. “California Indians – A Neglected Legacy.” Video. 2010. Web. 1 April 2016. <>.

+ – Primary Sources

Primary sources are the historical documents found in the California Indian History timelines, essays and primary sources links.

Parenthetical Documentation


Works Cited

Hanson, G.M. Letter to William P. Dole, July 15 1861. Document no. 56 of Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Sen. Exec. Docs., 37 Cong., 2 Sess., Vol. 1, Doc. 1, pp. 756-761 (1117). The California Indian History Website. 1 April 2016. Web. <>.

Turabian (8th edition)

These examples follow Kate L. Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 8th ed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013). The two different styles described in Turabian—notes-bibliography style and author-date style—are listed below. Turabian suggests for undated online materials use the date of access in place of the date of publication.


+ – Essays


  1. Kimberly Johnston-Dodds and Sarah Supahan, “Involuntary Servitude, Apprenticeship, and Slavery of Native Americans in California,” The California Indian History Website, accessed April 1, 2016,


Johnston-Dodds, Kimberly and Sarah Supahan. “Involuntary Servitude, Apprenticeship, and Slavery of Native Americans in California.” The California Indian History Website. Accessed April 1, 2016.

+ – Multi-Media


  1. Patricia Gomes, “California Indians – A Neglected Legacy,” video, 8:04, accessed April 1, 2016,


Gomes, Patricia. “California Indians – A Neglected Legacy.” 8:04. 2010.

+ – Primary Sources

Primary sources are the historical documents found in the California Indian History timelines, essays and primary sources links.


  1. G.M. Hanson to William P. Dole, July 15, 1861, The California Indian History Website, accessed April 1, 2016,


Hanson, G.M., to William P. Dole, July 15 1861. Document no. 56 of Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Sen. Exec. Docs., 37 Cong., 2 Sess., Vol. 1, Doc. 1, pp. 756-761 (1117). The California Indian History Website. 1 April 2016.


+ – Essays

Parenthetical Citation

(Johnston-Dodds and Supahan 2016)

Reference List

Johnston-Dodds, Kimberly and Sarah Supahan. 2016. “Involuntary Servitude, Apprenticeship, and Slavery of Native Americans in California.” The California Indian History Website. Accessed April 1, 2016.

+ – Multi-Media

Parenthetical Citation

(Gomes 2010)

Reference List

Gomes, Patricia. 2010. “California Indians – A Neglected Legacy.” Video, 8:04. Accessed April 1, 2016.

+ – Primary Sources

Parenthetical Citation

(Hanson, G.M., to William P. Dole, July 15 1861, California Indian History Website)

Reference List

Hanson, G.M.. 1861. Letter to William P. Dole, July 15. Document no. 56 of Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Sen. Exec. Docs., 37 Cong., 2 Sess., Vol. 1, Doc. 1, pp. 756-761 (1117). The California Indian History Website.  Accessed April 1, 2016.


In-text Citation (Johnston-Dodds and Supahan, 2016) Reference Johnston-Dodds, K., & S. Supahan. 2016. Involuntary Servitude, Apprenticeship, and Slavery of Native Americans in California. Retrieved from


In-text Citation (Gomes) Reference Gomes, P. (2010). California Indians – A Neglected Legacy {video}. Retrieved from

Primary Sources

Primary sources are the historical documents found in the California Indian History timelines, essays and primary sources links. In-text Citation (Hanson, G. M., Hanson to William P. Dole, July 15, 1861, p. 757) Reference List Hanson, G.M. (1861, July 15). [Letter to William P. Dole]. Document no. 56 of Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Sen. Exec. Docs., 37 Cong., 2 Sess., Vol. 1, Doc. 1, pp. 756-761 (1117). The California Indian History Website. Retrieved from

Primary Sources

Primary sources are the historical documents found in the California Indian History timelines, essays and primary sources links. In-text Citation (Hanson, G. M., Hanson to William P. Dole, July 15, 1861, p. 757) Reference List Hanson, G.M. (1861, July 15). [Letter to William P. Dole]. Document no. 56 of Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Sen. Exec. Docs., 37 Cong., 2 Sess., Vol. 1, Doc. 1, pp. 756-761 (1117). The California Indian History Website. Retrieved from

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