Citation – Primary Source
Event / Description
Secondary Source only:
Roberts, Robert B. Encyclopedia of Historic Forts: The Military, Pioneer, and Trading Posts of the United States. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1988, 70.
Hay Fork Camp, short-lived military post, Trinity County.
Secondary Source only:
Roberts, Robert B. Encyclopedia of Historic Forts: The Military, Pioneer, and Trading Posts of the United States. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1988, 63.
Camp Burnt Ranch, temporary camp located 30 miles north of Hoopa, Del Norte/Humboldt County.
Secondary Source only:
Roberts, Robert B. Encyclopedia of Historic Forts: The Military, Pioneer, and Trading Posts of the United States. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1988, 77.
Camp Mattole ,temporary army post 24 miles west of Weott, Humboldt County.
Detachment of Company E of 1st Batallion of Mountaineers.
Secondary Source only:
Roberts, Robert B. Encyclopedia of Historic Forts: The Military, Pioneer, and Trading Posts of the United States. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1988, 81.
Newkirk’s Mill Post located near Fort Gaston in the Hoopa Valley, Humboldt County.
Secondary Source only:
Roberts, Robert B. Encyclopedia of Historic Forts: The Military, Pioneer, and Trading Posts of the United States. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1988, 86.
Camp at Fork of Salmon River, short-lived military post in Siskiyou County.
Secondary Source only:
Roberts, Robert B. Encyclopedia of Historic Forts: The Military, Pioneer, and Trading Posts of the United States. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1988, 82.
Orleans Bar Post, Volunteer Mountaineers, Orleans Bar, Humboldt County
Secondary Source only:
Roberts, Robert B. Encyclopedia of Historic Forts: The Military, Pioneer, and Trading Posts of the United States. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1988, 94.
Camp Soldiers’ Grove, temporary post located 18 miles from Hyampom, Trinity County.
“Rumor.” Weekly Humboldt Times, January 2, 1864: p. 3, col. 1.
“Another Indian Fight – Two Soldiers Wounded.” Weekly Humboldt Times, January 2, 1864, p. 3, col. 2.
Company B of the California Mountaineers, Company C of the California Mountaineers, Angel’s Ranch (Camp), Fort Gaston
Folder F3753:646, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.
Letter from Major General Wright, Company Commander, Department of Pacific, to Adjutant General, U.S. Army, D.C., stating he has allowed those miners already incorporated under California law to stay on Catalina Island. Says Catalina even better than he supposed for reservation. Written at Headquarters Department of Pacific, San Francisco, January 7, 1864.
No copy of document; citation only.
“Indian War.” Marysville Daily Appeal, January 8, 1864: p. 3, col. 3.
“The Late Indian Fight at Bald Mountain.” Weekly Humboldt Times, January 9, 1864, p. 2, col. 3.
Company A, Beckwith
“The house of J. M. Sims…” Marysville Daily Appeal, January 9, 1864: p. 2, col. 1.
Folder F3753:647, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.
Report from Lieutenant Colonel James F. Curtis, 4th Infantry, California Volunteers, Company Commander, Southern Districts, to Major General Wright, Company Commander, Pacific Department on taking possession of Catalina Island. Describes island, lists ranchers and stock, describes mining operations, explains reasons for placing military post in harbor. Mentions Wright’s orders to leave some civilians alone to avoid losses. Written at Headquarters, District So. California, Drum Barracks, Los Angeles County, January 12, 1864.
No copy of document; citation only.
“The Indian War.” Marysville Daily Appeal, January 15, 1864: p. 2. col. 2.
“Indians on the Mail Route.” Weekly Humboldt Times, January 16, 1864: p. 3, col. 1.
“His Whereabouts.” Red Bluff Beacon, January 16, 1864: p. 2, col. 4.
Vincent E. Geiger
“Our Indian Article Last Week.” Weekly Humboldt Times, January 16, 1864, p. 2, col. 3.
Company A, Company B of the California Mountaineers, Beckwith
Folder F3753:648, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.
Letter from Major General Wright to Adjutant General, U.S. Army, D.C., transmitting Lieutenant Colonel Curtis’ report on Catalina Island. Written at Headquarters, Department of Pacific, San Francisco, January 27, 1864.
No copy of document; citation only.
“Capt. McLean, of the 2d Cavalry…” Visalia Weekly Delta, January 28, 1864: p. 2, col. 2.
“Indian Raid on the South Salmon.” Weekly Humboldt Times, January 30, 1864, p. 2, col. 2.
Company C of the California Mountaineers, Fort Gaston
“The Bald Mountain Fight.” Weekly Trinity Journal, January 30, 1864: p. 2, col. 1.
“From Fort Gaston.” Trinity Weekly Journal, January 30, 1864, p. 2, col. 1.
Trinity Company
“An Appeal for Protection.” Weekly Trinity Journal, January 30, 1864: p. 3, col. 1.
“Military.” Weekly Trinity Journal, January 30, 1864: p. 4, col. 1.
“Letter from Orleans Bar.” Weekly Humboldt Times, January 30, 1864: p. 2, col. 3.
“Letter from Fort Gaston.” Weekly Humboldt Times, January 30, 1864: p. 2, col. 4.
“Battle of a Refugee.” Weekly Trinity Journal, February 6, 1864: p. 3, col. 1.
“Letter from Fort Gaston.” Weekly Humboldt Times, February 6, 1864: p. 2, col. 3.
“Indians on Bear River.” Weekly Humboldt Times, February 6, 1864: p. 2, col. 4.
Folder F3753:640, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.
Letter from Brigadier General George Wright, Company Commander, Department of Pacific, to Brigadier General Wm. Kibbe, Adjutant General, telling him he is sending 250 troops, under Colonel Green, 6th Infantry, who will assume control of Humboldt District from Colonel Whipple, who General Wright still likes but Green has experience. Written at Headquarters, Department of Pacific, Sacramento, February 7, 1864.
No copy of document; citation only.
Folder F3753:641, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.
Copy of letter from General Wright to General Kibbe telling him 250 men under Colonel Green going to Humboldt County. Written at Headquarters, Department of Pacific, Sacramento, February 7, 1864.
No copy of document; citation only.
“Troops for the North.” Weekly Humboldt Times, February 8, 1864, p. 2, col. 2.
Gen. Wright has signified his intention to send a steamer with the proper supplies and munitions to Humboldt…Sixth Infantry; Moutaineers
“Letter from Fort Gaston.” Weekly Humboldt Times, February 13, 1864, p. 2, col. 2.
Company A of the California Mountaineers, Company D of the California Mountaineers, Fort Gaston
Folder F3753:1030, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.
Letter from Henry Landt to General Kibbe recognizing need for an Indian Agent to manage Indian Affairs in Plumas County and offers to be said agent. Written in Chico, February 15, 1864.
No copy of document; citation only.
“Geo. W. Hanson, late Superintendent of Indian Affairs…” Visalia Weekly Delta, February 18, 1864: p. 2, col. 1.
“After the Red-Skins.” Weekly Trinity Journal, February 20, 1864: p. 3, col. 2.
“Another Indian Raid.” Weekly Humboldt Times, February 20, 1864, p. 2, col. 3.
Company C of the California Mountaineers, Fort Humboldt
“Hard on the Indians.” Weekly Humboldt Times, February 20, 1864, p. 3, col. 1.
Company E of the California Mountaineers
“Troops for the North.” Weekly Trinity Journal, February 20, 1864, p. 3, col. 2.
“More Troops.” Weekly Trinity Journal, February 20, 1864, p. 2, col. 3.
“Editorial Correspondence.” Weekly Humboldt Times, February 20, 1864: p. 2, col. 2-3.
Folder F3753:649, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.
Letter from Major General George Wright, Company Commander, Department of Pacific to Governor F.F. Low stating he will allow more time for ranchers and miners to move from Santa Catalina but that Adjutant General in D.C. has wired that it is to become a reservation for Indians. Written at Headquarters, Department of Pacific, San Francisco, February 22, 1864.
No copy of document; citation only.
“Indian Fight, To Be Mustered.” Weekly Humboldt Times, February 27, 1864, p. 3, col. 1.
Company D of the California Mountaineers, Company F
Secondary Source only:
Roberts, Robert B. Encyclopedia of Historic Forts: The Military, Pioneer, and Trading Posts of the United States. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1988, 76.
Camp at Martin’s Ferry , post of two weeks located at Martin’s Ferry on the Klamath River, 13 miles west of Weitchipec, Humboldt County.
Secondary Source only:
Roberts, Robert B. Encyclopedia of Historic Forts: The Military, Pioneer, and Trading Posts of the United States. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1988, 63.
Camp Boynton Prairie located east of Eureka, Humboldt County. Company C, 6th Infantry, and 1st Battalion, Mounted Calvary. Active March-July 1864.
Folder F3753:762, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.
Letter from Brigadier General Wm. Kibbe, Adjutant General, to Henry Landt answering a letter on Indian matters. States system is to change and only one- superintendent is to be appointed – a friend of Kibbe’s. Kibbe will refer matter to him and let Landt know result. Written at Headquarters, Adjutant General’s Office, Sacramento, March 4, 1864.
No copy of document; citation only.
Folder F3753:939, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.
Letter from I.C. Wood to Brigadier General Kibbe, Adjutant General, asking him to write and tell him if money will be paid or must he come down there? Wants Kibbe to write at once. Written in Weaverville, March 4, 1864.
No copy of document; citation only.
E. Steele to John Conness, March 5, 1864, document no. 36 of Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, H. Exec. Docs., 38 Cong., 2 Sess., Vol. 5, Doc. 1, pp. 264-266 (1220).
Transmits settlement with Modoc, Klamath Lake, Shasta, Scott’s Valley and Hamburg Indians.
“Destruction of Stock by Indians, Movement of Troops.” Weekly Humboldt Times, March 5, 1864, p. 3, col. 1.
Company E of the California Mountaineers, Company G, Kneeland’s Prairie
“Murdered by Indians.” Weekly Humboldt Times, March 5, 1864: p. 2, col. 4.
E. Steele to William P. Dole, March 8, 1864, in document no. 36 of Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, H. Exec. Docs., 38 Cong., 2 Sess., Vol. 5, Doc. 1, pp. 266-267 (1220).
Discusses issues around purchase of land from Modoc, Klamath Lake and Snake Indians and related treaty.
“Indian Fight.” Weekly Humboldt Times, March 12, 1864, p. 2, col. 5.
Company A of the California Mountaineers, Snyder’s Ranch
“Depredations of Indians on the Lower Klamath.” Weekly Humboldt Times, March 19, 1864: p. 2, col. 2
“Indian Matters.” Weekly Trinity Journal, March 26, 1864: p. 2, col. 1.
“Indian Intelligence.” Weekly Humboldt Times, April 16, 1864: p. 2, col. 2.
Folder F3753:940, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.
Letter from H.D. Stowe, Attorney, to Brigadier General Kibbe enclosing certificate and affidavit of C.P. Burney and asking Kibbe to state whether his claim is valid. Written in Union, El Dorado City, April 18, 1864.
No copy of document; citation only.
“Indian Prisoners.” Weekly Humboldt Times, April 19, 1864, p. 3, col. 2.
Camp Iuqua, Company A of the California Mountaineers, Fort Humboldt
Folder F3753:941, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.
Letter from Brigadier General Kibbe, Adjutant General, to H.R. Stowe, Attorney, answering his letter of inquiry on C.P. Burney. Says no appropriation has been made for this expedition. Written in Sacramento, April 20, 1864.
No copy of document; citation only.
“Indian Raid.” Weekly Humboldt Times, April 23, 1864: p. 2, col. 2.
“Superintendent of Indian Affairs.” Weekly Humboldt Times, April 23, 1864: p. 2, col. 5.
Folder F3753:650, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.
Telegram from Charles E. Mix, Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs to Governor Low stating one Wentworth claims Indians in So. California area starving. Wentworth has been fired but Low is authorized to spend $3000 of government funds to feed them. Tells him to call on Austin Wiley to assist. Written at Washington, D.C., April 23, 1864.
No copy of document; citation only.
Charles E. Mix to Austin Wiley, April 26, 1864, document no. 37 of Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, H. Exec. Docs., 38 Cong., 2 Sess., Vol. 5, Doc. 1, pp. 267-269 (1220).
Appoints Wiley as superintendent of Indian affairs. Limits number of reservations to four.
“Indian Raid.” Weekly Trinity Journal, April 30, 1864: p. 3, col. 1.
The National Guard of California, 1849-1880 (Part. 2), Compiled with the Assistance of the Work Projects Administration from Records in the Adjutant General’s Office of California and the California State Library (Sacramento, 1940), 587.
AG Dead Office File, Row 5, File 6
Mountain Rangers, Fourth Brigade, Sierraville, Sierra County
“Another Indian Fight.” Weekly Humboldt Times, May 7, 1864, p. 2, col. 4.
Company B of the California Mountaineers, Company B of the California Mountaineers, Boyton’s Prairie
“Dead.” Weekly Humboldt Times, May 14, 1864, p. 2, col. 3.
Company C of the California Mountaineers, Kneeland’s Prairie
Folder F3753:652, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.
Letter from H.C. Rolfe to Governor Low proposing to raise a regiment of half civilized Christian Indians as a portion of California’s quota. Would be officered by himself and energetic young white men. Written in San Bernardino, May 14, 1864.
No copy of document; citation only.
“The Indians in Round Valley Getting Troublesome.” San Francisco Bulletin, May 19, 1864, p. 1, col. 3.
“Another Fight with Indians in Humboldt.” Weekly Trinity Journal, May 21, 1864: p. 2, col. 3.
“Desperate Indian Fight.” Weekly Humboldt Times, May 21, 1864, p. 2, col. 3.
Company c of the California Mountaineers, Trinity River Indians
“Indian Meeting at Mattole.” Weekly Humboldt Times, May 21, 1864: p. 2, col. 3.
“Another Man Killed by Indians.” Weekly Trinity Journal, May 21, 1864: p. 3, col. 2.
“Indian Affairs in California.” Weekly Humboldt Times, May 21, 1864: p. 2, col. 4.
Folder F3753:651, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.
Letter from Austin Wiley, Superintendent of Indian Affairs to Governor Low asking for loan of money until funds are forwarded from Washington – needs money to relieve want of So. California Indians. Written at Office of Indian Affairs, San Francisco, May 27, 1864.
No copy of document; citation only.
“News from Our Indian Department.” Weekly Humboldt Times, May 28, 1864, p. 2, col. 3.
Camp Iuqua, Company A of the California Mountaineers, Fort Bragg, Fort Humboldt
“Glad Tidings! – Indian Troubles Nearly at End.” Weekly Trinity Journal, May 28, 1864: p. 3, col. 1.
Austin Wiley to Charles E. Mix, June 1, 1864, document no. 38 of Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, H. Exec. Docs., 38 Cong., 2 Sess., Vol. 5, Doc. 1, pp. 269-271 (1220).
Suggests consolidating Indians in Round Valley and procurement of Tejon ranch as reservation.
Austin Wiley to William P. Dole, June 4, 1864, document no. 39 of Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, H. Exec. Docs., 38 Cong., 2 Sess., Vol. 5, Doc. 1, p. 272 (1220).
Discusses moving Indian prisoners from Humboldt to San Pedro or Catalina Island.
“Death of a Soldier.” Weekly Trinity Journal, June 4, 1864: p. 2, col. 1.
“Two Indians Killed.” Weekly Humboldt Times, June 4, 1864, p. 2, col. 4.
Company E of the California Mountaineers
“More Indians Killed.” Weekly Humboldt Times, June 4, 1864, p. 3, col. 3.
Burnt Ranch, Company C of the California Mountaineers
“Indian Agency.” Weekly Trinity Journal, June 11, 1864: p. 1, col. 6.
“Desperate Indian Fight.” Weekly Trinity Journal, June 11, 1864: p. 4, col. 3.
“From the Indian Fighters.” Weekly Trinity Journal, June 11, 1864: p. 2, col. 3.
Folder F3753:653, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.
Another letter from Rolfe to Governor Low stating General Wright, Company Commander, Department of Pacific and state Adjutant General both, informed him only Secretary of War can call into service Indians he proposed raising. Asks Governor to intervene as it would save money for state and prevent draft. Written in San Bernardino, June 14, 1864.
No copy of document; citation only.
“Indian Matters.” Weekly Trinity Journal, June 18, 1864: p. 2, col. 2.
Militia set up camp at Burnt Ranch
“Soldiers Claim Agency.” Weekly Trinity Journal, June 18, 1864: p. 2, col. 2.
“Indian Raid.” Weekly Trinity Journal, June 25, 1864: p. 2, col. 1.
“Mattole Correspondence.” Weekly Humboldt Times, June 25, 1864: p. 3, col. 4.
Austin Wiley to Commissioner of Indian Affairs, June 30, 1864, document no. 40 of Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, H. Exec. Docs., 38 Cong., 2 Sess., Vol. 5, Doc. 1, pp. 272-275 (1220).
Discusses proposal to move Humboldt Indian prisoners to Catalina Island.
“Indian Captives.” Weekly Trinity Journal, July 2, 1864, p. 3, col. 1.
Mendocino Company, 160 Indians in Mendocino County prisoners on the “Peninsula.”
“New River.” Weekly Trinity Journal, July 2, 1864: p. 2, col. 1.
“Indian Matters.” Weekly Trinity Journal, July 2, 1864: p. 2, col. 3.
W.P. Dole to Austin Wiley, July 9, 1864, document no. 42 of Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, H. Exec. Docs., 38 Cong., 2 Sess., Vol. 5, Doc. 1, pp. 275-276 (1220).
Rejects proposal to move Humboldt Indians to Catalina Island and urges Round Valley as permanent reservation.
Austin Wiley to Commissioner of Indian Affairs, July 11, 1864, document no. 41 of Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, H. Exec. Docs., 38 Cong., 2 Sess., Vol. 5, Doc. 1, p. 275 (1220).
Reports the transfer of Indians from Tejon to Tule River farm.
“Indian Affairs.” Weekly Trinity Journal, July 16, 1864: p. 2, col. 1.
The National Guard of California, 1849-1880 (Part. 2), Compiled with the Assistance of the Work Projects Administration from Records in the Adjutant General’s Office of California and the California State Library (Sacramento, 1940), 596.
AG Dead Office File, Row 4, File 1
Honey Lake Rangers, Fifth Brigade, Susanville, Lassen County
“From the Scouting Party.” Weekly Trinity Journal, July 23, 1864: p. 1, col. 4.
“Another Indian Attack.” Weekly Humboldt Times, July 23, 1864: p. 3, col. 4.
“Mattole Correspondence.” Weekly Humboldt Times, July 23, 1864: p. 3, col. 3.
“A Short Tale about Indian Matters.” Weekly Humboldt Times, July 30, 1864: p. 2, col. 5.
“House Robbed by Indians on Bear River.” Weekly Humboldt Times, July 30, 1864: p. 3, col. 2.
“Correction.” Weekly Humboldt Times, July 30, 1864: p. 3, col. 3.
Austin Wiley to William P. Dole, August 2, 1864, Document no. 43 in “Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs,” H. Exec. Docs., 38 Cong., 2 Sess., Vol. 5, Doc. 1, pp. 276-278 (1220).
Discusses removal of prisoners from Humboldt Bay to Hoopa Valley and treaties with Northern California and southern Oregon tribes.
“Our Indian Affairs.” Weekly Humboldt Times, August 6, 1864: p. 2, col. 3.
“More Indians Captured.” Weekly Humboldt Times, August 6, 1864: p. 3, col. 1.
“Our Indian Affairs.” Weekly Humboldt Times, August 27, 1864: p. 2, col. 1-2.
Hoopa Valley Reservation
“Indian Reservation Notice.” Weekly Humboldt Times, August 27, 1864: p. 2, col. 5.
“Going to Settle.” Weekly Humboldt Times, August 27, 1864: p. 3, col. 3.
Austin Wiley to William P. Dole, August 29, 1864, document no. 44 of Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, H. Exec. Docs., 38 Cong., 2 Sess., Vol. 5, Doc. 1, pp. 278-280 (1220).
Discusses treaty creating Hoopa Valley reservation. Treaty and notice enclosed.
Austin Wiley to William P. Dole, September 1, 1864, document no. 35 of Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, H. Exec. Docs., 38 Cong., 2 Sess., Vol. 5, Doc. 1, pp. 260-264 (1220).
Gives general account of Indian affairs in Northern California and discusses creation of Hoopa reserve.
“Hoopa Valley Reservation.” Weekly Trinity Journal, September 3, 1864: p. 2, col. 4.
“Another Word About Our Indian Affairs.” Weekly Humboldt Times, September 3, 1864: p. 2, col. 3.
“Successful Indian Scout.” Weekly Humboldt Times, September 3, 1864: p. 2, col. 2.
“Another Indian Raid.” Weekly Humboldt Times, September 3, 1864: p. 3, col. 4.
“Indian Outrages in Humboldt.” Weekly Trinity Journal, September 10, 1864: p. 2, col. 1.
“Letter from Orleans Bar.” Weekly Humboldt Times, September 10, 1864: p. 2, col. 3.
“A Chapter of Indian Atrocities.” Weekly Trinity Journal, September 17, 1864: p. 2, col. 2.
“Floating About.” Weekly Trinity Journal, September 17, 1864: p. 2, col. 5.
“Indian Matters at Mattole.” Weekly Humboldt Times, September 17, 1864: p. 2, col. 3.
“Indian Proclamation.” Weekly Humboldt Times, September 17, 1864: p. 2, col. 2.
“After Them.” Weekly Trinity Journal, September 24, 1864: p. 2, col. 3.
“Claims Against Indian Department.” Weekly Trinity Journal, September 24, 1864: p. 3, col. 4.
“Indian Reservation Notice.” Weekly Trinity Journal, September 24, 1864: p. 4, col. 4.
“Correspondence.” Weekly Humboldt Times, September 24, 1864: p. 2, col. 3, 4 & top of 5.
“Claims Against Indian Department.” Weekly Humboldt Times, September 24, 1864: p. 1, col. 6.
National Guard of California, 1849-1880 (Part.2), Compiled with the Assistance of the Work Projects Administration from Records in the Adjutant General’s Office of California and the California State Library, (Sacramento, 1940), 606-607.
Table Rock Guard, Howland Flat, Sierra County
Folder F3753:642, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.
Letter from S.P. Wright, State Senator, 27th District, to Governor F. Low asking him to use influence with U.S. Army to allow troops to remain in area to cope with Indians. Says he has written to General’s McDowell and Wright in same vein. Adds that if plan is to concentrate troops and then move in it will take six companies to subdue Indians. Written in Crescent City, September 27, 1864.
No copy of document; citation only.
“More Stock Killing.” Weekly Humboldt Times, October 1, 1864: p. 3, col. 1.
“Indian Meeting.” Weekly Humboldt Times, October 1, 1864: p. 3, col. 3.
W.P. Dole to Austin Wiley, October 3, 1864, document no. 45 ½ of Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, H. Exec. Docs., 38 Cong., 2 Sess., Vol. 5, Doc. 1, pp. 281-283 (1220).
Returns amended treaty for Hoopa Valley reserve. Orders Wiley to get Indian signatures that will commit tribes to agreement. Contemplate abandonment of Mendocino reservation.
Austin Wiley to William P. Dole, October 5, 1864, document no. 45 of Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, H. Exec. Docs., 38 Cong., 2 Sess., Vol. 5, Doc. 1, pp. 280-281 (1220).
Reports that Round Valley reservation is flourishing and that Wiley will relieve McDowell of the prisoners held at Humboldt Bay.
“Three Soldiers Attacked by Indians.” Weekly Humboldt Times, October 8, 1864: p. 2, col. 2.
Soldier’s Grove
“Indian Meeting.” Weekly Humboldt Times, October 8, 1864: p. 3, col. 1.
“More Indians Brought In.” Weekly Humboldt Times, October 8, 1864: p. 3, col. 2.
“The Hoopa Reservation.” Weekly Humboldt Times, October 15, 1864: p. 2, col. 3 & 4.
“Indians Captured.” Weekly Humboldt Times, October 22, 1864: p. 2, col. 4.
“Indian Matters.” Weekly Humboldt Times, November 5, 1864: p. 3, col. 1.
“Mattole.” Weekly Humboldt Times, November 12, 1864: p. 2, col. 3.
“Indian Meeting at Mattole.” Weekly Humboldt Times, November 12, 1864: p. 2, col. 4.
“Indian Meeting at Orleans Bar.” Weekly Humboldt Times, November 12, 1864: p. 2, col. 4.
“More Indians Captured.” Weekly Humboldt Times, November 12, 1864: p. 2, col. 4.
William P. Dole, Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, November 15, 1864, H. Exec. Docs., 38 Cong., 2 Sess., Vol. 5, Doc. 1, pp. 147-200 (1220).
“From the Indian Battalion.” Weekly Trinity Journal, December 3, 1864: p. 2, col. 1.
The National Guard of California, 1849-1880 (Part. 2), Compiled with the Assistance of the Work Projects Administration from Records in the Adjutant General’s Office of California and the California State Library (Sacramento, 1940), 623.
Union Guard (Eureka Guard), Eureka, Sierra County
J.P. Usher, Report of the Secretary of the Interior, December 5, 1864, H. Exec. Docs., 38 Cong., 2 Sess., Vol. 5, Doc. 1, pp. 3-18 (1220).
“Proceedings of Indian Meeting.” Weekly Humboldt Times, December 17, 1864: p. 2, col. 4 & 5.
“Hoopa Reservation.” Weekly Humboldt Times, December 31, 1864: p. 2, col. 1.