
Citation – Primary Source

Event / Description






Secondary Source only:

Roberts, Robert B. Encyclopedia of Historic Forts: The Military, Pioneer, and Trading Posts of the United States. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1988, 81.

Camp in Onion Valley located on a site near Downieville, Sierra County or adjoining Plumas County.



Folder F3753:409, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Governor Weller to Jarboe telling him to disband his volunteer company as job is done. Thanks him constrainedly. Written in Sacramento, January 3, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“Indian Fight.” Nevada Democrat, January 11, 1860: p. 2, col. 1.

Eel River Rangers, 13 men under Capt. Jarboe fought with 90 Indians, killed 30, wounded 30.



Folder F3753:410, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from G.W. Tiffuss to Brigadier General Kibbe, Adjutant General, asking payment for treating a volunteer from Jarboe’s company wounded in thigh by arrow in skirmish. Wants Kibbe to handle matter for him. Written in Nome Cult Indian Farm, January 11, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:411, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from J.B. Lamar to Governor Milton T. Latham introducing a G.H. Woodman who wishes to discuss Indian hostiles in his home area. Written in Sacramento, January 12, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:412, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Lieutenant Dillon to Major W.W. Mackall, Assistant Adjutant General, Headquarters, Department of Pacific, stating he doesn’t want to leave Round Valley while settlers are allowed to continue to harass Indians. Says why no investigation of trespass and damage of government property. Indian women are taken by force frequently. Written in Round Valley, January 14, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“Indian Difficulties.” Placer Herald, January 14, 1860, p. 2, col. 1.

Published report by Governor John B. Weller; recounts Kibbe’s actions and Jarboe’s actions stating he has ordered Jarboe’s men to be disbanded.



Folder F3753:413, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Petition by citizens of Ukiah to Governor to allow Jarboe to reactivate his volunteer force and to provide protection from hostile Indians. Written in Ukiah, January 15, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:414, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Petition to Governor Latham and citizens of Mendocino County from Eel River Rangers for removal of Jarboe as Captain and permission to elect new leader. Written at Headquarters, Eel River Rangers, January 15, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“Indians of Mendocino County.” Sacramento Daily Union, January 16, 1860, p. 2, col. 5-6.

J.H. Lamar, Assembly representative for Mendocino county introduced bill for organizing a company for Mendocino, Humboldt county for 90 days; recounts Indian situation in county for past year; Pitt River Indians on the Mendocino Reservation.



“Indian Depredations.” Sacramento Daily Union, January 18, 1860: p. 4, col. 4.

“Indians sent to the reservation last Winter are back..:”



“Indian Deficiencies.” Sacramento Daily Union, January 18, 1860: p. 2, col. 1.




Folder F3753:415, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Governor Downey to Colonel Clarke, Company Commander, Pacific Department asking for troops for Round Valley and Mendocino County in general. Written in Sacramento, January 18, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“More Indian Demands.” Sacramento Daily Union, January 19, 1860: p. 3, col. 1.




“Further Service Required.” Weekly Humboldt Times, January 21, 1860, p. 2, col. 4.

Humboldt county Indians back from the Mendocino reservation; wants Kibbe to come back again to subdue Humboldt county Indians permanently.



“Indians Killed.” Weekly Humboldt Times, January 21, 1860: p. 3, col. 1.




“Indian Slaughter.” Weekly Humboldt Times, January 21, 1860: p. 2, col. 4.

Jarboe and Eel River Rangers killed 60 South Eel River Indians, plus 30 Indians in Round Valley, took 30 prisoners.



Folder F3753:416, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Colonel Clarke to Governor Downey in reply to request for troops to Round Valley. States has troops there, no trouble reported, will ask for a report and will then let Governor know intentions. Written at Headquarters, Department of Cal., San Francisco, January 20, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:417, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Affidavit of S.P. Storms, Round Valley, that Indians had been and continued to kill stock in and around Round Valley, Claimed 15 men also killed. Said things worse since U.S. Army come; Lieutenant Dillon wanted Indians to kill whites. Written in Sacramento, January 20, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:418, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter of transmittal from Governor Downey to Assembly with letter to General Clarke, U.S. Army, Company Commander, Pacific Department, and his reply. Downey recommends sending help to Mendocino County without waiting for Feds. Written in Sacramento, January 21, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:419, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Affidavit of J.B. Owens, Mendocino County, that Indians in Round, Long, Eden Valleys had killed over 1000 head of stock, 15 men. Said U.S. Army and its officers encouraged Indians in this behavior. Written in Sacramento, January 23, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:420, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Petition from Eel River Rangers to Governor Downey to return a document evidently condemning Captain Jarboe (Round Valley). Say they did it in excitement and Jarboe did best he could. Written in Ukiah, January 25, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:421, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Petition to Governor-Latham asking for return of first petition requesting removal of Jarboe as Company Commander. Said they signed original in moment of greatest possible excitement and were misinformed. Written in Ukiah, January 25, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“Don’t Mention It-Protect the Squaws.” Sacramento Daily Union, January 25,1 860, p. 2, col. 4.

Jarboe, Mendocino Indians



“Letter from Sacramento.” Nevada Democrat, January 25, 1860: p. 2, col. 2.




“Reported Indian Outrages.” Sacramento Daily Union, January 26, 1860: p. 3, col. 3.




Folder F3753:422, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Report from Jarboe to Brigadier General Kibbe, Adjutant General, to effect he has disbanded company and listing supplies and equipment he has on hand belonging to state. Written at Headquarters, Eel River Rangers, January 27, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:423, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter (report) from Lieutenant Dillon, Detachment Company Commander, Round Valley to Major W.W. Mackall, Assistant Adjutant General, Department of Pacific, San Francisco, in response to request from Governor of California for information on Indian Affairs in Round Valley. Says Indians innocent of stock killing or murder. Whites are out to exterminate Indians and pre-empt land. Written in Round Valley, January 27, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Letter from Wm. G. Chard to A. B. Greenwood, January 28, 1860, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, California Superintendency, 1849-1880; 35 mm microfilm, MFL 323.1197, Reel 37.
Letters of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1849-1880, California Superintendency Online Collection, American Indian Resources Center, County of Los Angeles Public Library.




“Massacre of the Rolf Indians.” Sacramento Daily Union, January 30, 1860, p. 1, col. 7.

Account by Yount of massacre of friendly Indians, 60 women and children, 10 men at Rolf’s Ranch; perpetrators were Pitt River Rangers, 21 men under Lt. Langley butchered them (hacked them to pieces) in a surprise attack at dawn; one butcher named Lee; another named McElroy; Rolf’s Ranch.



Letter from [Illegible], Department of the Interior to A. B. Greenwood, January 30, 1860, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, California Superintendency, 1849-1880; 35 mm microfilm, MFL 323.1197, Reel 37.
Letters of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1849-1880, California Superintendency Online Collection, American Indian Resources Center, County of Los Angeles Public Library.




“California Legislature, Eleventh Session, Reported Specially for the Union — Governor’s Message — The Indian War.” Sacramento Daily Union, January 31, 1860: p. 1, cols. 3-7.




Folder F3753:425, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Fred P. Greene to Brigadier General Kibbe, enclosing bill’s for food and hauling. Comments when Legislature gets around to paying bills plus that for transporting Indians to the Nogo that the money will be welcome. Written in San Francisco, January 31, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.








The National Guard of California, 1849-1880 (Part.1), Compiled with the Assistance of the Work Projects Administration from Records in the Adjutant General’s Office of California and the California State Library (Sacramento, 1940), 275.
No Material in AGO
Sacramento Union, March 2, 1860, p. 2, col. 2

Humboldt Volunteers, Second Brigade, Hydesville, Humboldt County



“Horrible Indian Massacre.” Alta California, February 1, 1860, p. 1, col. 4.

Rolf’s Ranch massacre, Pitt River Rangers



Folder F3753:424, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Battalion Brigadier General A. Clarke, Company Commander, Department of Pacific, to Governor Downey enclosing private letter from Lieutenant Dillon to his commanding officer. Clarke states the letter should relieve Governor’s fears for safety of citizens. Written at Headquarters, Department of Pacific, San Francisco, February 1, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“Eel River Correspondence.” Sacramento Daily Union, February 1, 1860, p. 4, col. 1.

Jarboe, Eel River Rangers organized July 1859, 21 men “accustomed to mountain life and Indian warfare,” Head or Winter quarters established in October consisting of 5 log houses, one for prisoners, on high ridge near Middle Eel River 5 miles S.W. of Round Valley; 200 Indians killed, 200 taken prisoner; William Pool mentioned as a Ranger.



“Weller and Jarboe.” Sacramento Daily Union, February 2, 1860, p. 2, col. 3.

Mendocino Indians, Jarboe



Folder F3753:426, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Colonel (Battalion 1st General) Clarke, Company Commander, Cal. Department, to Governor Downey enclosing report on Indian conditions in Round Valley. Mentions letter from G.H. Woodman, Long Valley, on Indians being driven by Jarboe from Round Valley to Long Valley. Asks for information. Written at Headquarters, Department of Cal., San Francisco, February 3, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“Plundering the Government and Outraging Indians.” Sacramento Daily Union, February 3, 1860, p. 2, col. 5.




“Indian Hostilities.” Weekly Humboldt Times, February 4, 1860: p. 2, col. 3.




“Indian Hostilities-Volunteer Company.” Weekly Humboldt Times, February 4, 1860, p. 2, col. 2.

“Two volunteer companies of 10-12 men each, armed and provisioned at private expense have been in the Bald Hills area most of the winter.”

Full company organized at Hydesville under Hon. E.L. Davis appointed by the County Judge; states that the Indians involved in current conflicts are from different location, not the same Indians as ones captured by Kibbe in 1858-1859 [Redwood Indians].



“Indian Troubles in Mendocino.” Weekly Humboldt Times, February 4, 1860, p. 3, col. 1.

Local settlers organizing themselves into “standing army” protecting stock.



“Safe.” Weekly Humboldt Times, February 4, 1860: p. 2, col. 1.

5 men thought killed by Indians on Eel River showed up in Hydesville.



“Indian Law.” Weekly Humboldt Times, February 4, 1860: p. 2, col. 5.

Law proposed in Legislature by Burson of Humboldt county authorizing all Indians captured to be apprenticed to families; article critical of proposed legislation.



Report from John Ross Browne to Jacob Thompson, February 4, 1860, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, California Superintendency, 1849-1880; 35 mm microfilm, MFL 323.1197, Reel 37.
Letters of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1849-1880, California Superintendency Online Collection, American Indian Resources Center, County of Los Angeles Public Library.




“Indian Troubles at Honey Lake.” Sacramento Daily Union, February 6, 1860: p. 1, col. 6.




“Pitt River Massacre.” Sacramento Daily Union, February 7, 1860, p. 2, col. 6.

Gives an account re: August massacre of Roff’s Indians; mentions Fort Brook [Crook], Pitt River Rangers, Pitt River Indians.



Folder F3753:427, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Brigadier General Wm. Kibbe, Adjutant General, to George Henley authorizing him to receipt for and keep for the state all property now in possession of Jarboe, former Captain Eel River Rangers. Written in Sacramento, February 9, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“The Mendocino War.” Sacramento Daily Union, February 10, 1860, p. 2, col. 2.

U.S.troops at Round Valley; mentions Jarboe.



“Volunteer Company – Immediate Action Necessary.” Weekly Humboldt Times, February 11, 1860, p. 2, col. 4.

Volunteer company organized 2/4/1860, at Hydesville to go to Bald Hill country; officers elected: Seaman Wright, Capt; E.D. Holland, 1st Lt; Henry Robinson, William C. McNamera, 2nd Lt; Eli Davis, N. Stansbarry, G. Gray, J.O. Corder, Sargeants; T. Wyatt, S. Ferguson, N. Underwood, S. Luce, Coporals; 55 privates.



“The San Francisco Bulletin on Hostilities in the North.” Weekly Humboldt Times, February 11,1860, p. 2, col. 2.

Scathing editorial against Bulletin’s 2/4/1860 article re: Indians, Mendocino Indians.



“Indian Depredations on Mad River.” Weekly Humboldt Times, February 11, 1860: p. 2, col. 3.




Folder F3753:428, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Petition from citizens of Long Valley to Governor Downey for protection from wild Indians. Claim they have lost 400 head of stock, 3 men since previous September and over $4000 worth of stock since January 15, 1860. Written in Long Valley, Mendocino County, February 13, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:429, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Colonel (General) Clarke to Governor Downey correcting printed correspondence relative to Indian Affairs in Mendocino County as to Major Johnson’s statement concerning 11 Indians killed on Eel River by party headed by Colonel Thomas J. Henley. Written at Headquarters, Department of Cal., San Francisco, February 14, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“Topic of the Day [Indian Affairs].” San Francisco Daily Herald, February 14, 1860, p. 2, col. 1.




Folder F3753:430, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Testimony before a committee of inquiry by James Tobin, Alonzo kinsley on Indian-white relations in Round Valley and in U.S. Army – civilian relations there. Mostly pro-settler, anti Indian. Some criticism of cut in sustenance money. Written in San Francisco, February 15, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:431, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from J.H. Woodman to Governor Downey asking aid against Indians in Long Valley. Wants Jarboe to lead volunteers – estimates will need 10-15 thousand (sic) to operate. Written in Long Valley, February 16, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:432, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Jarboe, former Volunteer Company Commander of militia to Governor John Downey. Jarboe tells of orders from former Governor Weller to muster troops to fight Indians between No. and So. forks of Eel River and Long and Eden Valleys. Outlines claims of kills and asks to be paid. Written in Sacramento, February 18, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:433, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of Wm. Robertson before special committee of Indian Affairs that Indians had killed lots of cattle and horses be managed for Judge Hastings. Said was member of Jarboe’s company but spent time running company, never attacked Indians or killed any. Saw prisoners. Never heard of anyone taking children and selling them. Never saw anything. Written in Ukiah, February 21, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:434, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of C.H. Eberle before J.B. Lamar, Chairman, Special Commitee for Indian Affairs, concerning activities at Round Valley involving Indians, U.S. Army troops, and organization of Captain Jarboe’s company. Written in Ukiah, February 22, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:435, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of H.L. Ford, Sub Agent, Mendocino Reservation, before investigation committee on Indian Affairs. Said his place has 2700 Indians of whom over 1000 brought in by Kibbe and Jarboe during past few months. Says can take care of Indians always. Says some stock losses have occurred. Allows few Indians to hunt, use weapons they brought. Written in Ukiah, February 22.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:436, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Wm. Frazier deposes before investigation committee on Indian Affairs to effect he and others from Long Valley had gone on forays against rancherias and killed men, women, and children indiscriminately. Few prisoners were women – claims Indians had plenty to eat but lived on beef and horse meat. Admits killing women on several occasions. Says few children because they are caught and sold. Written in Ukiah, February 22, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:437, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from A. Phelps to Governor J.G. Downey telling him of petition coming from Long Valley citizens. Phelps, head of a Committee from Sacramento, says many who signed petition aren’t residents of Long Valley, asks Governor to hold action in abeyance until committee’s return. Written in Ukiah, Mendocino County, February 23, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:438, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of H.H. Backley before California Senate Committee concerning Jarboe’s company and original financial backing by Hastings and George Henley before Jarboe got his commission from Governor. Written in Ukiah, February 23, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:439, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Petition by citizens of Yagers Creek and Van Dousens (sic) Fork to Governor Downey to call to active service the Humboldt Cavalry Company of volunteers to protect citizens from Indians. Written in Hyatsville, Humboldt County, February 23, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:440, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of B. Newman to Chairman of Indian Affairs Committee concerning letter of authorization for purchase from Hastings and Henley to his firm, Kaskel Mears and Company, which allowed Jarboe to buy supplies for his company. Claims he never saw it but heard of it from partners and or clerk. Written in Ukiah, February 23, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:441, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of Dryden Lacock to Select Committee on Indian Affairs, Chairman J.B.L. Lamas, on activities of Indians in Round and Eden Valleys. Also describes organization of Jarboe’s Eel River Rangers by Hastings and George Henley. Written at Storm’s Hotel, Round Valley, February 25, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“More Stock Killed by Indians.” Weekly Humboldt Times, February 25, 1860: p. 2, col. 1.

“Volunteers not being able to cross Main Eel River, owing to high water, returned to Van Duzen…stopping at Campton’s ranch.”



“Showing Him Up.” Weekly Humboldt Times, February 25, 1860, p. 2, col. 5.

Account of Roff’s Indian massacre that supports volunteers…editorializing as to why some whites sympathize with Indians.



“Payment for Expenses in Suppressing Indian Hostilities.” Weekly Humboldt Times, February 25, 1860: p. 2, col. 4.




“The State to Control Indian Affairs.” The Placer Herald, February 25, 1860: p. 2, col. 4.

Advocates apprenticing young male and female Indians, putting Elders on reservations.



“Indian Affairs in California – Report of the Secretary of the Interior.” Visalia Weekly Delta, February 25, 1860: p. 4, col. 1.




Folder F3753:442, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of James M. Wilsey to Special Committee on Indian Affairs, J.B. Lamar, Chairman, regarding Indians in Round Valley and character and action of Bland. Talks about Indian woman taken from Bland’s house by U.S. Army troops under Major Johnson. Written at Storm’s Hotel, Round Valley, February 25, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:443, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of Wm. I. Hildreth before investigation committee on Indian Affairs to effect he had lost stock, mostly horses, to Indians locally but after killing 18, stealing closed. Also served with Jarboe who was most kind to Indian prisoners. Refers to Indian rations at Round Valley as did reservation – six ears of corn or five to six potatoes for days work. Written at So. Fork Eel River, February 25, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:444, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of J.B. Owens before investigation committee on Indian Affairs to effect he helped drive some Judge Hastings cattle to Hildreth’s Rancho and enroute a mare was wounded (by Indians presumably). He and three others attacked a rancheria next day but Indians got away free. Claims three horse carcasses, one beef and dried meat in camp. Written at So. Fork Eel River, February 25, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:445, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of Thos. B. Henley to committee investigating conditions at Round Valley to the effect he had lost stock, on one occasion had entered a rancheria with four companions and killed 5 or 6 Indians and later six more they met but also that the settlers needed protection from the Indians. Written at Round Valley, February 26, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:446, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of Jeremiah Lambert before investigating committee on Indian Affairs in Round Valley area. Says he lost nine horses, thinks Indians took them. Says he belongs to Long Valley Volunteers Company and has found meat in Indian camps, helped kill Indians. Says settlers need protection. Written in Round Valley, February 26, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:447, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

First deposition of S.P. Storms before investigating committee on Indian Affairs to Round Valley 1856; wished for T.J. Henley, Indian Agent operating Nome Cult farm. Says Indians always stole cattle – should have been given entire valley for support – now hungry. Estimates 500 Indians killed but that whites need protection. Written in Round Valley, February 26, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:448, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of Jackson Farley before investigating committee on Indian Affairs to effect that he and other settlers in Long Valley have lost horses and cattle. He claims $3000 worth. Says he is Captain of volunteer company who go out to punish stock thefts and have killed between 150-200 Indians and taken 22 prisoners. Says the settlers need protection. Written at Round Valley, February 26, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:443, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of H.G. Hall before investigating committee on Indian Affairs to effect that Indians had stolen and killed many horses and cattle belonging to him, Hastings and Henley. Hall was on all early forays vs. Indians and admitted killing women. Was with Jarboe who wasn’t cruel to prisoners. States residents of Eden Valley need protection from Indians. Written at Round Valley, February 26, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:450, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Part of affidavit on Indians killing cattle in Bald Hills – related to affidavits before special Indian commission of California legislature. Written in Humboldt County, undated.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:451, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of Lieutenant Dillon, Company Commander, Round Valley Detachment, to J.B. Lamar, Chairman, Special Committee to Investigate Indian Affairs, concerning activities in Round Valley. Denies Indians hostile or committing depredations says settlers plotting to make it look like it. Names Henley and then crosses name out. Some testimony on Bland seems missing. Written at Storm’s, Rancho, Round Valley, February 27, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:452, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of Chas. H. Bourne before investigating committee on Indian Affairs who stated Indians killed stock – would start anew now that Jarboe’s company disbanded. U.S. Army troops ok but nuisances and no help, officers bad. Need protection from Indians. Written in Round Valley, February 27, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:453, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of George E. White before investigating committee on Indian Affairs to effect that Indians keep stealing stock, settlers need protection and U.S. Army is hostile to settlers and pro-Indian. Claims losses in Round and Eden Valleys are between $100-$150 million. Written in Round Valley, February 27, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:454, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of S.L. Davis before investigating committee on Indian Affairs to effect Indian’s steal stock. Does say much stock lost to wild animals. Says U.S. Army no help – need protection from Indians thru own resources. Written in Round Valley, February 27, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:455, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of George Rees, overseer Nome Cult, before investigating committee on Indian Affairs to effect that little or no stock stealing, no need for more forces than U.S. Army there, whites causing trouble. Women stealing occurred, from locked building and also of young men with usable skills. Wouldn’t return. George Henley, Wilsey’s, Storm’s, Taycock offenders. Whites tear up fences, have driven off stock. Written in Round Valley, February 27, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:456, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of John Lawson before investigating committee on Indian Affairs to effect he had lived there since 1856 and when he lost stock he went after Indians killed three, hung five. Participated in several of these forays against Indians always resulting in a killing. Claims if Government will pay him for stock losses, he will leave Valley. Thinks U.S. Army could handle protection. Written in Round Valley, February 27, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:457, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of Martin Corbett before investigating committee on Indian Affairs to effect that some stock missing or killed. He and others killed Indians in punishment thereof. No need of U.S. Army – no help. Tove arrogant – says Indians tear fences down – settlers have to go five miles extra to get to mills. Written in Round Valley, February 27, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:458, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Battalion Brigadier General A.S. Clarke, Company Commander, Department of Pacific, to Governor John G. Downey politely refusing to furnish government and legislature with copy of report of one Captain Flint. Says such reports are confidential and Clarke must use discretion about making public. Written at Headquarters, Department of Cal., San Francisco, February 27, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:459, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of George W. Henley before investigating committee on Indian Affairs to effect he had lost stock to Indians, had helped chastise them, had sold out Round Valley interests thru fear of Indian depredations. Claimed supplied Jarboe’s company because no one else would. Says U.S. Army are bad. Says Bland good, never did any harm. Says Rees tried to steal his Indian bay. Written in Round Valley, February 27, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:460, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of Wm. Pollard before investigating committee on Indian Affairs to effect that he has no first hand knowledge of Indians killing stock. Never killed his. Lots of stock dies in winter, Indian eat, use hide, horns, head – used as evidence Indians steal beef. Says Indians may react if whites keep killing unjustifiably. Written in Round Valley, February 27, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:461, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Further deposition of S.P. Storms before committee investigating Indian Affairs to effect that he owned five or six Indians and had fed and clothed them but that Agent Geiger and Lieutenant Dillon had tried to make Indians go to reservation which they didn’t wish to do. Said he told Dillon he would resist his taking Indians by force if necessary. Deposition by Baurne and Laycock back Storm’s. Written in Round Valley, February 28, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:462, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of Lawrence Battailes, reservation employee to investigating committee on Indian Affairs. Swears Indians don’t steal stock in Round Valley but eat dead cattle that died from natural causes. Says whites have killed 300-400 Indians since 1858, no white hurt. Some Indians taken as servants – saw none sold. Written in Round Valley, February 28, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:463, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of Chesley Vaughn before investigating committee on Indian Affairs to effect that he had been on several Indian hunting expeditions with Jarboe and before – has seen a few dead Indians – never women or children. Knows no one who killed women, maybe one or two squaws. Says Jarboe very kind to prisoners. Written in Round Valley, February 28, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:464, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of Chas. Baurne before investigating committee on Indian Affairs to effect John Bland, later killed presumably by Indians, was quiet, peaceable man. Had taken Indian guide who returned alone, said Bland was with two others. Baurne says only heard of one woman killed, that by accident. Written in Round Valley, February 28, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:465, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of Chas. McLane before investigating committee on Indian Affairs to effect Indians kill stock, settlers need protection. He had been on several Indian hunts, only saw women killed once, by accident. Said John Bland was arrested by Major Johnson for whipping Indian who stole women from his house where Bland kept her for two months. Written in Round Valley, February 28, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:466, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of Dr. George W. Jeffriss, physician at Nome Cult Indian Farm before investigating committee on Indian Affairs to effect he thinks most trespasses are by whites not Indians. Says whites hunt Indians down attributes natural losses to them. Says U.S. Army does best can, whites tear down fences, steal women who are locked up, kill without provocation. Written at Nome Cult Indian Farm, February 28, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:467, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of Isaac W. Shannon before investigating committee on Indian Affairs to effect only had lost one or two to reservation. Indians liked Colonel Henley for remuner and Henley said to get satisfaction from Indians. Not afraid to travel alone in mountains, most claims exaggerated. Tells of drunken party trying to take his Indians on January 1, 1859. Hard man but better than most in Round Valley. Written at Nome Cult Indian Farm, February 28, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:468, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of Benjamin Arthur before investigating committee on Indian Affairs to effect that Indians always stole stock in winter and settlers always killed Indians in winter. Casually mentions 300 Indians dying of exposure when moved thru snow to reservation in 1856-57. Says Jarboe killed 300 and took 500 POWS. Relates shooting wounded bay and killing him as he lay on ground helpless. Written at Nome Cult Indian Farm, February 28, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:469, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of John W. Burgess, farmer, Nome Cult Indian Farm before investigating committee on Indian Affairs to effect Indians try to maintain place, is safe in mountains. Whites harass farm – rip fences, turn in stock. Raise vegetables, feed workers best. Soldiers ok. Says Rees much better than Storms was. Written at Nome Cult Indian Farm, February 28, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:470, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of men who chased Indians after claiming to have found remains of a cow. Attacked rancheria and killed two, wounded three (one woman), captured child. Deposition forwarded to Commission on Mendocino War. Written in Eden Valley, February 29, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“Survey of Round Valley.” Red Bluff Beacon, February 29, 1860: p. 2, col. 2.

Surveyor General instructed to survey Round Valley for reservation.



“Indian Outrages.” Nevada Democrat, February 29, 1860: p. 2, col. 3.









Folder F3753:471, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of W.T. Scott, stockman Round Valley, to Wm. Claxson, Member, Assembly Commission on Indian Affairs, concerning reasons for Indian actions in Round Valley. Strong indictment of Hastings, Jarboe, et al, on reasons for Indian war and their dealings with California government. Written in Cloverdale, Sonoma County, March 2, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“More Indian Outrages.” Weekly Humboldt Times, March 3, 1860: p. 2, col. 2.




“What is to be Done?” Weekly Humboldt Times, March 3, 1860: p. 2, col. 2.

Advocates a temporary reservation at Fort Humboldt for old Indian women and children.



“Indian Massacre.” Weekly Humboldt Times, March 3, 1860: p. 2, col. 2.

Rancheria on Indian Island attacked by whites on Saturday night; included only Indian women, children, Indians from Mad River, only 3-4 escaped; Indian ranches on South Beach also attacked, everyone killed; considerable number of Indians on Eel River were attacked, killed at same time; Indian ranches at Bucksport, Elk River not disturbed.



“Indians Leaving the Reservation.” Weekly Humboldt Times, March 3, 1860: p. 2, col. 3.




“Horrible Massacre of Indians at Humboldt Bay.” The Placer Herald, March 3, 1860: p. 2, col. 1.




“The Kibbe Indian War.” Sacramento Daily Union, March 3, 1860: p. 1, col. 6.




“Mr. Lawrence’s Indian War Speech.” Trinity Weekly Journal, March 3, 1860: p. 2, col. 1.




Folder F3753:542, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Petition from citizens of Humboldt County to Governor John Downey asking him to muster into service as soon as possible a company of volunteers to protect them against Indians. Written in Sacramento, March 3, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“The Humboldt Massacre.” Sacramento Daily Union, March 5, 1860: p. 2, col. 2.




Vouchers from Thos. J. Henley and E. P. Peckham to T. J. D. Fuller, February 22, 1860; March 5, 1860, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, California Superintendency, 1849-1880; 35 mm microfilm, MFL 323.1197, Reel 37.
Letters of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1849-1880, California Superintendency Online Collection, American Indian Resources Center, County of Los Angeles Public Library.




Folder F3753:472, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of George J. Clarke, Purser, Steamer Petaluma before A. Phelps, Member investigating committee on Indian Affairs to effect he had been hunting near Round Valley, came upon Jarboe’s camp. Saw prisoners well fed, kindly treated. Jarboe fired man who had intercourse with POW woman. Refused to sell children. Written on Steamer Petaluma, March 5, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“Massacre of Indians.” Nevada Democrat, March 7, 1860: p. 1, col. 3.




Folder F3753:543, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Affidavit of Wm. Taylor, M. Lile, H. Dix, A. Compton, and J. Lieuranee before J.P. Jameson that all have lost cattle, seen Indians driving cattle, and found cattle with arrows in them. Written in Humboldt County, March 7, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:544, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Affidavit of J. Hollingsworth before J.P. Mills to effect he has seen Indians with cattle, pieces of beef, and other goods. That they set fire to his cabin, and that over 500 head of cattle have been hurt by Indians running them. Written in Humboldt County, March 8, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:545, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Affidavit by Aaron Graves before J.P. W.H. Mills to effect he has seen Indians kill a cow, has lost 10, three of which appeared to have been killed by Indians. That two cabins were robbed, goods retrieved from Indians. Written in Humboldt County, March 8, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:546, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Affidavit of Allen Frame before J.P. Mills that he has lost 10 head – has seen Indians drive over 250 head – knows that settlers have lost 400 head of cattle. He asked Captain Laurel, U.S. Army, for help in September 1859. Written in Humboldt County, March 8, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:473, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition, of T.D. Felt to effect that he has lost about 60 head of cattle in last 18 months in Bald Hill country to Indians. Is moving rest out. Written at Eel River, March 8, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:547, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Affidavit of Norman Lenderwood before J.P. Jameson to effect that in January two men left area for coast. Indians in area said they were killed. Party searched, found village and identified clothing, pistol, ring as men’s property. Claim Indians killed, cut up, threw pieces into surf. Written in Humboldt County, March 8, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:548, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Affdavit of Levi Lindley before J.P. Benj. Jameson to effect he has lost almost 30 head of cattle, many more wounded as had his neighbors. Says all will have to leave if no help forthcoming. Written in Humboldt County, March 8, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:549, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Affidavit of Henry Davis before J.P. Mills that he has lost cattle and seen wounded cattle with arrows in them. Written in Humboldt County, March 8, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:550, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Affidavit of Wm. White before J.P. Mills to effect he lost cow, he thinks to Indians, chased Indians driving off about one head and helped get part back, and thinks two cabins robbed and one set afire. Written in Humboldt County, March 8, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:551, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Affidavit of W. Hagens before J.P. Mills to effect he has lost cattle to Indians and seen wounded cattle. Asked U.S. Army at Fort Humboldt for help to no avail. Believes many head killed/harmed by Indians. Written in Humboldt County, March 8, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:552, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Affidavit of Amos Frame before J.P. Mills he has seen Indians running cattle, four head killed that appeared to be by Indians, lost 47 head, his cabin was robbed. Written in Humboldt County, March 8, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:553, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Affidavit of E. Lobaugh before J.P. Mills to effect Indians killing and running stock. States Captain Laurel, U.S. Army, Fort Humboldt, said in his presence that he (Laurel) hoped Indians killed all cattle in mountains and then owners. Written in Humboldt County, March 8, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:554, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Affidavit of Jas. W. Neal before J.P. Mills to the effect he has seen cattle that appeared killed by Indians and others wounded by arrows. All his 300 head have been injured by running. Written in Humboldt County, March 8, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:555, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Affidavit of James McAter before J.P. Mills to effect he has seen cattle that appeared killed by Indians and others with arrows in the. Written in Humboldt County, March 8, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:556, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Affidavit of James Lawrence before J.P. Mills to effect he had cows killed the year before on N. Branch Yager Creek and a friend a horse. A captured Indian was forced to lead party of whites to Indian camp where nine Indians were killed. Lawrence then left for coast but Indians now killing cattle there. Written in Humboldt County, March 8, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:557, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Affidavit of B.J. Dinsmore before J.P. Mills to effect he has lost cattle, seen cattle with arrows in them. Written in Humboldt County, March 8, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:558, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Affidavit of H.S. Larrabee before J.P. Mills to effect he lost 30 head of cattle three oxen in last year, many neighbors likewise. Written in Humboldt County, March 9, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:559, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Statement by Seman Wright, elected Captain, Humboldt Cavalry Volunteer Company, before J.P. Mills to effect he had to take his 55 men out unauthorized to protect citizens property or they would have been and still would be forced to leave area. Written in Humboldt County, March 9, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:560, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Affidavit of Oliver Stone before J.P. Mills to effect he saw 20 Indians collect 70 cattle and drive them off but he followed and fired his rifle at them and got away. Also has seen beef bones and heads around Indian camps and help dress out three head, still warm, killed by arrows. Written in Humboldt County, March 9, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:561, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Affidavit of J.P. Langdon before J.P. Mills that he has lost 25 head of cattle to Indians and has seen them dressing beefs belonging to one Graves. Says coast Indians get guns and ammunition – they must be driven out or chastised. Written in Humboldt County, March 9, 1860.



Folder F3753:562, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Affidavit of Michel Spencer before J.P. Mills to effect he, along with other citizens, has furnished $1093.00 of supplies to volunteers who have gone to fight Indians. Written in Hydesville, Humboldt County, March 9, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:563, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Affidavit of Eli Davis before J.P. Mills to effect he saw 100 Indians go up Eel River in November 1859 and it was then cattle killing started. Written in Humboldt County, March 9, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:564, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Affidavit of E.L. Davis before J.P. Mills to effect he has twice hired a man and furnished mules for volunteer companies to protect from Indians – says Major Rains, Fort Humboldt refused U.S. Army troops upon request. Claims he has furnished $120.00 supplies/money to Captain Wright’s Company. Written in Hydesville, Humboldt County, March 9, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:565, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Affidavit of A. Monroe before Notary Public A. Vian to effect he lost 50 head of cattle in 1858-59, many others did too. Written in Humboldt County, March 9, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:474, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Affidavit of John Cooper concerning difficulties with Indians in area and request for help. Claims two brothers killed and himself shot in hand by arrow plus raid on mill. Written at Cooper’s Mill, Eel River, March 9, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:475, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Petition from citizens of Union to Governor John G. Downey, asking him to raise a force sufficient to remove all Indians from Humboldt and Trinity Counties. Do so in name of humanity to prevent another massacre of Indians and a war of extermination. Indians interfere with trade to and from mines. Written at Union, Humboldt County, March 9, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:476, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of A.P. Compton to effect that he has run cattle in Bald Hills since 1858. Says Indians gradually become bolder, started killing cattle for meat. He was on several volunteer expeditions in pursuit of Indians – claimed they discovered several camps with large amounts of beef bones in them. Written at Eel River, March 9, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:477, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of James Tewksbury to effect that he had two oxen taken and the valley Indians gave him a pair of mockisins (sic) made from the hide. He told Indians if they didn’t bring in killer he would kill all of them. They brought him a hand, claimed it came from killer. Written at Eel River, March 10, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“Gen. Kibbe, Cross-Fire.” Weekly Humboldt Times, March 10, 1860: p. 2, col. 2.

References “expeditions in Tehama and at Pitt River” authorized by Kibbe; supports Kibbe and Weller in the face of criticism of their actions against the Indians.



“Indian Matters.” Weekly Humboldt Times, March 10, 1860: p. 2, col. 2.

Sheriff Van Nest went to Eel River to obtain petitions from citizens to organize company;



“Shot At.” Weekly Humboldt Times, March 10, 1860: p. 2, col. 2.




“Difference of Opinion.” Weekly Humboldt Times, March 10, 1860: p. 2, col. 3.

Conflicting views re: Round Valley killings



“The Mendocino War Job Disposed Of.” Sacramento Daily Union, March 10, 1860: p. 2, col. 3.

Jarboe, Round Valley



“Indian Massacre at Humboldt.” Trinity Weekly Journal, March 10, 1860: p. 2, col. 4.




Folder F3753:478, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of A.S. Pardee to effect that Indians burned his house in 1858. He rebuilt on same site. Now some Indians took shot at him from ambush; has moved family again. Can’t keep guards, too expensive, house will go again. Written in Union, Humboldt County, March 10, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:479, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of David H. Snyder to effect that he had been shot at recently by Indians and a cabin broken into and guns and ammunition stolen. Claims Indians intend to drive all whites out of area. Written in Humboldt County, March 10, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:480, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of Thos. H. Dix concerning cattle killing by Indians. Only last page – rest missing. Written in Humboldt County, March 10, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:481, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Humboldt County Sheriff B. VanNest to Governor Downey, conveying the depositions of citizens concerning Indian depredations. VanNest indicates Governor needed and or requested reasons to call local volunteer company into service, VanNest attempts to furnish same. Says U.S. Army is no help – doesn’t think his local people will commit excesses. Written in Eureka, March 10, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:566, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Certificate from County Clerk A. Hanna that Wm. H. Mills was elected J.P. on September 7, 1859 and duly sworn. Written in Humboldt County, March 10, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:482, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Paper entitled Memorandum of Additional Accounts on State Controller letterhead. Amounts range from.50¢ to $1350.50. Since F.P. Greene is listed these probably are accounts due on charges accrued during Indian wars. Written in Sacramento, March 12, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:483, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from George Woodman to Brigadier General Kibbe he had met P. V. Middlesworth who requested he write Kibbe and tell him that Middlesworth had presented a bill of $77.00 for 1100 lbs. of flour furnished to volunteers and for Indian POW’s but understood Kibbe hadn’t gotten it. Wanted money. Written in Shasta, March 12, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:484, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Deposition of T.C. Hastings before investigating committee on Indian Affairs to effect that he owned Eden Valley; had hired H.L. Hale to herd his stock there after Colonel T. Henley, Indian Superintendent, had recommended Eden Valley. Said Indians killed much stock, he knew nothing about any Indian killings, had fired Hale, asked for U.S. Army help – now rec. that Governor commissioned Jarboe and go. Written in Sacramento, March 13, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“The Standard on the Indians.” Alta California, March 17, 1860, p. 1. col. 4.

“The editor of the Sacramento Standard, speaking of the Indians of the State says: The most humane disposition that could be made of them, probably, to reduce them to a mild system of servitude. Call them slaves, coolies or apprentices—it is all the same; supply them with Christian masters and make them Christian servants.”



“Indian Depredations.” Weekly Humboldt Times, March 17, 1860: p. 2, col. 1.




“Indian Troubles – A Change of Sentiment.” Weekly Humboldt Times, March 17, 1860: p. 2, col. 2.




“Indian Matters — Meeting at Hydesville.” Weekly Humboldt Times, March 17, 1860: p. 2, col. 5.




“The Sequel.” Red Bluff Beacon, March 21, 1860, p. 4, col. 1.

Round Valley, Mendocino Indians



“Humboldt County.” Trinity Weekly Journal, March 24, 1860: p. 2, col. 1.




Letter from H. L. Ford to A. B. Greenwood, March 24, 1860, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, California Superintendency, 1849-1880; 35 mm microfilm, MFL 323.1197, Reel 37.
Letters of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1849-1880, California Superintendency Online Collection, American Indian Resources Center, County of Los Angeles Public Library.




“Legislative.” Weekly Humboldt Times, March 25, 1860: p. 2, col. 1.




“Worse and Worse.” Weekly Humboldt Times, March 25, 1860: p. 2, col. 5.




Folder F3753:489, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

List of the staff of Brigadier General H.A. Cobb, Company Commander, 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, California Militia, in conformity with Governor’s order. Written in San Francisco, March 25, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Letter from John Ferguson to Charles Mix, March 29, 1860, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, California Superintendency, 1849-1880; 35 mm microfilm, MFL 323.1197, Reel 37.
Letters of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1849-1880, California Superintendency Online Collection, American Indian Resources Center, County of Los Angeles Public Library.




Folder F3753:567, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Governor Downey to Sheriff Van Nest, Humboldt County, acknowledging receipt of petition and affidavits asking help. Says General Clarke, Company Commander, Division of Pacific, is sending another company of U.S. Army troops making four in Humboldt County which is plenty – no need for volunteers. Written in Sacramento, March 29, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Letter from T.J.D. Fuller A. B. Greenwood, March 31, 1860, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, California Superintendency, 1849-1880; 35 mm microfilm, MFL 323.1197, Reel 37.
Letters of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1849-1880, California Superintendency Online Collection, American Indian Resources Center, County of Los Angeles Public Library.




“The Indians in and about at Kneeland’s Prairie…” Weekly Humboldt Times, March 31, 1860: p. 2, col. 1.




“Indian Meeting on Eel River.” Trinity Weekly Journal, March 31, 1860: p. 1, col. 4.









Folder F3753:568, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from E.L. Davis to Governor Downey defaming Major Rains and U.S. Army for not defending citizens. Says a Mr. I. Reed supposedly saw Governor and stopped calling up of Captain Wright’s volunteer company. Says must have help or 600 voters won’t pay taxes and will take matters into own hands. Refers to mess at Indian Island (massacre of Indians) and says it will get worse. Written at Hydesville, Humboldt County, April 3, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:530, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Battalion Brigadier General Clarke to Governor Downey responding to request for troops to Mohave (sic) to punish Indians. Says Dragoon Company on way. Says suggestion in citizens petition that Governor should complain to War Department that not enough U.S. troops in California is good – need more plus more posts. Thinks Governor might get action. Poor soldier in the middle of politics. Written at Headquarters, Department of Cal., San Francisco April 6, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“Indian War Wanted.” The Placer Herald, April 7, 1860: p. 2, col. 4.

Petition in Red Bluff to call out volunteer company (25 men).



Letter from J. W. Denver to A. B. Greenwood, April 10, 1860, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, California Superintendency, 1849-1880; 35 mm microfilm, MFL 323.1197, Reel 37.
Letters of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1849-1880, California Superintendency Online Collection, American Indian Resources Center, County of Los Angeles Public Library.

Regarding accounts of E. A. Stevenson, Indian Agent.



Letter from Thomas L. Anderson to A. B. Greenwood, March 27, 1860; April 13, 1860, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, California Superintendency, 1849-1880; 35 mm microfilm, MFL 323.1197, Reel 37.
Letters of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1849-1880, California Superintendency Online Collection, American Indian Resources Center, County of Los Angeles Public Library.




“A report has reached Mattole…” Weekly Humboldt Times, April 14, 1860: p. 2, col. 1.




“Indian Matters.” Weekly Humboldt Times, April 14, 1860: p. 2, col. 2.

Buel attempt to remove Indians from Fort Humboldt to Klamath reservation; Indians at Fort Humboldt after Indian Island massacre.



Folder F3753:485, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Jarboe to Governor Downey telling him he can’t appear before the Board of Examiners for Mendocino War Bill Certification for some time. Asks Downey to halt Board action until he arrives and can see the books. Written in San Francisco, April 16, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“Indian Wars.” Nevada Democrat, April 18, 1860: p. 2, col. 1.




Folder F3753:569, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from B. Van Nest, Sheriff, Humboldt County, to Governor Downey – can’t believe tone of Governor’s letter to effect state won’t swear in support volunteer company. Claims Feds won’t help citizens but protect Indians – says given chance, they (citizens) will protect selves. Written in Eureka, April 20, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“Letter from Mendocino.” Sonoma County Journal, April 20, 1860, p. 2, col. 3.




“Still at It.” Weekly Humboldt Times, April 21, 1860: p. 2, col. 1.




“Removal of the Indians.” Weekly Humboldt Times, April 21, 1860, p. 2, col. 2.

Removal of 315 Eel River Indians to Klamath Reservation; Mad River Indians were removed the week before by Buel.



Folder F3753:490, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Wm. Kibbe, Adjutant General, to Governor Downey listing all Division and Brigade Company Commander in state militia and counties brigades represent. Written in Sacramento, April 24, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“Fort Humboldt – The Volunteers – That Additional Company.” Weekly Humboldt Times, April, 28, 1860,.p. 2, col. 2.




“Safe.” Weekly Humboldt Times, April 28, 1860: p. 3, col. 1.




“More Cattle Stealing.” Weekly Humboldt Times, April 28, 1860: p. 3, col. 1.




Folder F3753:299, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Neeley Johnson to Governor J.G. Downey transmitting copies of his orders to Cosby in 1856 and correspondence with Wool. Affidavit attached. Johnson says letters/orders originally lost, his copies packed with his papers. Written in Sacramento, April 29, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.









“Squaw Men.” Trinity Weekly Journal, May 5, 1860: p. 4, col. 2.




“Killed; V.E. Geiger says…” Weekly Humboldt Times, May 12, 1860: p. 2, col. 1.




“Convention to Consider Indian Matters.” Weekly Humboldt Times, May 12, 1860: p. 2, col. 1.

Mentions Sheriff Van Nest.



“More Cattle Killed by Indians.” Weekly Humboldt Times, May 12, 1860: p. 2, col. 1.




“An Indian Hung.” Weekly Humboldt Times, May 12, 1860: p. 2, col. 5.




“Unjust Persecution; Public Notice.” Weekly Humboldt Times, May 12, 1860: p. 2, col. 5.




Folder F3753:536, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Telegram from Secretary of State Johnson Price to Governor Downey saying he (Price) sent train with 200 stand of arm due to emergency – now awaiting Governor. Written in Sacramento, May 13, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:491, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from M. Cooper, Orderly Sergeant, Coloma Grays, to Governor Downey reporting meeting held on April 14, 1860 to accept resignation of Captain Van Guelder, Company Commander, and meeting on May 14 to elect John G. Van Derheyden new commander. Also that their arms were sent to Washoe County so have no arms. Written in Coloma, May 14, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:494, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Invoice of arms and accouterments turned over to Major General Haven, California Militia, by Captain J.D. Callender, U.S. Army, Ord. Department. Written at Benicia Arsenal, May 14, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:495, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Receipt by Captain G. Stewart to Major General Haven for 8000 rounds musket cartridges and ammunition boxes. Written in Placerville, May 15, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:537, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Telegram from M.D. Dobbins, Volunteer Company Commander, to Governor Downey saying Maryville Rifles ready to go to Downieville’s assistance against Indians in Sierra Valley. Asks for 40 more rifles. Downey’s answer is that all arms and ammunition have been sent to Carson Valley, says men not needed. Written in Marysville, May 15, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:538, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Telegram from C. Tozer to Colonel Chas. Torbert that 50 mules will be sent in morning with 300 rifles and accouterments and 2400 rounds. Had trouble getting freight from Folsom – won’t take state note – may pay himself. Downey to Tozer says draw on him for expenses. Downey to Dr. Wilson Jones asks if mule train in Placerville, requests answer. Written in Placerville, May 15, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:539, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Telegram from P. Moore to Governor Downey saying 40 stand of arms there. Send order to Captain Dobbins and Marysville will transport them free, with ammunition. Telegram Downey to P. Moore telling Dobbins to give 40 stand of arms which are to be sent free to Downieville. Says trouble not in Sierra Valley. Written in Marysville, May 16, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:540, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from C.W. Tozer to Governor Downey enclosing a bill for hauling 10 tons of arms from Folsom to Placerville at a cost of $480.00. Tozer says he thought a committee would pay but Raymond, the hauler, wouldn’t accept promise that state would pay until Downey wired ok. Written in Placerville, May 16, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Letter from H. P. Heintzelman to T. J. D. Fuller, May 17, 1860, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, California Superintendency, 1849-1880; 35 mm microfilm, MFL 323.1197, Reel 37.
Letters of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1849-1880, California Superintendency Online Collection, American Indian Resources Center, County of Los Angeles Public Library.




“To Be Removed.” Weekly Humboldt Times, May 19, 1860: p. 2, col. 1.




“The Meeting To-Day [sic].” Weekly Humboldt Times, May 19, 1860: p. 2, col. 2.




Folder F3753:570, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Petition from citizens of Humboldt County to Governor asking that the local volunteer company be called into service to defend them from Indians. One resolution condemns the U.S. Army support, calls it a curse. Written in Eureka, May 19, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:571, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter (marked Private) from J.T. Ryan to Governor Downey telling him that he (Ryan) was blamed for persuading Governor not to order volunteer company into service against Indians. Made sheriff read Governor’s letter which evidently clarified issue. Says delegate coming to see Governor and present citizen’s case. Written in Eureka, May 20, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:572, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from T.R. Ryan to Governor Downey saying troops leaving, need help. Complains of Major Rains as no help to ranchers. Asks for an increase to 100 men in Captain Wright’s volunteer company and immediate muster into state service. Claims 2000 male Indians are forcing people out of ranches into town. Written in Eureka, May 21, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:573, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Wm. Dempsey to Governor volunteering to raise a company for up to 12 months service to fight Indians. Says fought in Mexico, has many men willing to serve under him. Asks Governor to wire permission to raise force. Written in Chico, May 21, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“Gen. Kibbe.” Red Bluff Beacon, May 23, 1860: p. 2, col. 2.




“Indians Returning.” Red Bluff Beacon, May 23, 1860, p. 4, col. 1.

Man named Frazer gives account he saw and spoke with Indians in Cow Creek, Churn Creek, Pitt River country that had been sent to Mendocino reservation by Kibbe during previous fall.



“Horrid Cruelty.” Red Bluff Beacon, May 23, 1860: p. 3, col. 1.




“Good.” Weekly Humboldt Times, May 26, 1860: p. 2, col. 1.




“Indian Matters and “Them Orders.” Weekly Humboldt Times, May 26, 1860: p. 2, col. 2.




“Proceedings of County Convention for the Consideration of Indian Affairs.” Weekly Humboldt Times, May 26, 1860: p. 3, col. 1.

S.G. Whipple, Chairman, S. Cooper, B. Van Nest, Secretaries; delegates to Committee: Whaley and Whipple, Union; Burson, Ryan, Sevier, Cooper and Monroe, Eureka; Hagan, Edgar, Bucksport; Clyde, Table Bluff; De Haven, Eel River; Bell, Yager Creek; Wright, Hydesville; Van Nest, by proxy, Mattole; C. M’Allister, Pacific; [Seth] Kinman, Bear River.



“Horses Killed by Indians.” Nevada Democrat, May 30, 1860: p. 2, col. 4.




Folder F3753:496, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Edwin A. Rigg, Captain, Mariposa Rifles, to Governor Downey asking consideration for a Mr. Alex. R. Baldwin to be placed on the staff of the 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, Company Commander. Says knows many besides his company desire this appointment. Written in San Francisco, May 28, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“Indian Difficulties in the North.” Nevada Democrat, May 30, 1860: p. 2, col. 4.

Butte Creek, 25 miles east of Yreka; organizing company to chastise Indians.



“Indians and the Settlers.” Red Bluff Beacon, May 30, 1860: p. 1, col. 5.




Folder F3753:497, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Brigadier General Cobb, Company Commander, 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, CM to Friend Wallace asking him to expedite the commissions for his staff being approved and signed by Governor Downey. Asks for his Assistant Adjutant General to be made a Lieutenant Colonel as he is an experienced officer who will be out ranked otherwise. Written in San Francisco, May 31, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:493, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Governor Downey to D.H. Gelnicks ordering him to deliver 40 stand of minie muskets and accouterments without ammunition. He is to get bond for safety and return of ordinance if needed by state or Feds. Written in Sacramento, May 31, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.








“Atrocities by White Men on Indians in Humboldt County-Record of a Babykiller.” San Francisco Evening Bulletin, p. 2, col. 3.




“Senator Ryan and that Letter.” Weekly Humboldt Times, June 2, 1860: p. 2, col. 2.




“[Communicated].” Weekly Humboldt Times, June 2, 1860: p. 2, col. 3-4.




“The Volunteer Company.” Weekly Humboldt Times, June 2, 1860, p. 2, col. 2.

Col Hagans went to Sacramento to meet with Governor Downey to request support for volunteer company under Capt. Wright.



Folder F3753:531, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Augustus Miller to Governor Downey offering to negotiate with Paiutes in Sierra Nevada West slopes for peace. Claims Indians approached him as he speaks language – offered to go to those on eastern slopes of Sierra too. Wants authorization from Governor to act for him and state. Written at Knight’s Ferry, June 4, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“The Indian Difficulties.” Weekly Humboldt Times, June 9, 1860: p. 2, col. 2-3.




Letter from T. J. D. Fuller to Jacob Hampton, June 13, 1860, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, California Superintendency, 1849-1880; 35 mm microfilm, MFL 323.1197, Reel 37.
Letters of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1849-1880, California Superintendency Online Collection, American Indian Resources Center, County of Los Angeles Public Library.




Folder F3753:500, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Major General Martin, Company Commander, 6th Division, to Governor Downey forwarding list of staff officers and fees. Asks for their commissions. Written in Yreka, June 15, 1860

No copy of document; citation only.



“The Most Interesting News…” Weekly Humboldt Times, June 16, 1860: p. 2, col. 1.

Governor Downey to visit Humboldt re: Indian matters.



“Pit River Indians.” Weekly Humboldt Times, June 16,1860, p. 2, col. 4.

Pit River Indians removed to Mendocino Reservation in fall of 1859, further removed to Klamath Reservation is not true, but states the Indians have left reservation and went back home.



“Fight with the Indians.” Weekly Humboldt Times, June 16, 1860: p. 2, col. 4.

White men used Indian women as human shields, 2 women were killed.



“The Indians, it Seems…” Weekly Humboldt Times, June 16, 1860: p. 2, col. 3.




“We are told…” Weekly Humboldt Times, June 16, 1860: p. 2, col. 3.




Folder F3753:794, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Wm. Kibbe, Adjutant General, to Governor Downey reporting his arrival in Washington with papers and progress with Military Affairs Commission. Says he doubts passage this session of bill recomm by Commission, quotes Sherman to that effect. This letter is dated on back as 1861 but it obviously was written immediately after Kibbe’s arrival in Washington, D.C. Written in Washington, D.C., June 18, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Certified copy of the Joint Resolution of the Legislature of California in relation to Indian Reserves, referred to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, April 25, 1860; May 11, 1860; June 19, 1860, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, California Superintendency, 1849-1880; 35 mm microfilm, MFL 323.1197, Reel 37.
Letters of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1849-1880, California Superintendency Online Collection, American Indian Resources Center, County of Los Angeles Public Library.

Certified by Johnson Price.



“Extermination.” Red Bluff Beacon, June 20, 1860, p. 2, col. 1.




“The California Spirit of the Times…” Weekly Humboldt Times, June 23, 1860: p. 2, col. 2.




“Captain Jarboe and the Indian Massacres North Ventilated.” Sacramento Daily Union, p. 1, col. 3

Pitt River Rangers (Pitt River Company); Debate regarding Indian Appropriations Bill



“Amendatory of an Act for the Government and Protection of Indians.” Weekly Humboldt Times, June 30, 1860: p. 4, col. 6.

Law authorizing apprenticing Indians



“Cool Work.” The Placer Herald, June 30, 1860: p. 2, col. 5.

Inskip Indians killed 2 Pitt River Indians at instruction of whites.



“The White Savages of Humboldt County.” Trinity Weekly Journal, June 30, 1860: p. 4, col. 1.




“Indian Apprentices.” Weekly Humboldt Times, June 30, 1860, p. 2, col. 3.











“Indian Reservation System.” Sacramento Daily Union, July 2, 1860, p. 4, col. 4.

Nome Lackee, Mendocino, Klamath



“Expose of the Indian Department in California.” Sacramento Daily Union p. 3, col. 1

J. Ross Browne report



“Two Indians Killed.” Nevada Democrat, July 11, 1860: p. 1, col. 4.

Big Meadows Indians killed 2 Pitt River Indians, George and Bill, both brothers of Shave-Head, Pitt River Chief.



“Enumerating Indians.” Weekly Humboldt Times, July 14, 1860: p. 2, col. 3.




Letter from John Ferguson to A.B. Greenwood, July 14, 1860, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, California Superintendency, 1849-1880; 35 mm microfilm, MFL 323.1197, Reel 37.
Letters of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1849-1880, California Superintendency Online Collection, American Indian Resources Center, County of Los Angeles Public Library.

Refers to Isaac M. Ward at Nome Cult Reservation.



“Census.” Weekly Humboldt Times, July 21, 1860: p. 3, col. 1.




Folder F3753:574, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from (signature undecipherable) to Governor Downey transmitting papers on Indian troubles. Says the reports from his secret agents will remain in his hands. Written in Sacramento, July 20, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“Indians Returning.” Weekly Humboldt Times, July 28, 1860: p. 2, col. 3.

Indians leaving Klamath reservation, returning to their homes.



A.B. Greenwood to John A. Dreibelbis, July 30, 1860, document no. 100 of Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Sen. Exec. Docs., 36 Cong., 2 Sess., Vol. 1, Doc. 1, pp. 454-456 (1078).

Refers to California superintendency.



A.B. Greenwood to John A. Driebelbis, July 31, 1860, document no. 101 of Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Sen. Exec. Docs., 36 Cong., 2 Sess., Vol. 1, Doc. 1, pp. 456-457 (1078).

Transmits commission for Northern California superintendency.



A.B. Greenwood to J.Y. McDuffie, July 31, 1860, document no. 102 of Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Sen. Exec. Docs., 36 Cong., 2 Sess., Vol. 1, Doc. 1, pp. 457-458 (1078).

Transmits commission for Southern California Superintendency.



“Apprenticing Indians.” Sacramento Daily Union, July 31, 1860, p. 2, col. 5.

Slavery – synopsis of 1860 amendments to law and history of legislation.








Letter from Edward Dillon to the Commission of Indian Affairs, August 6, 1860, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, California Superintendency, 1849-1880; 35 mm microfilm, MFL 323.1197, Reel 37.
Letters of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1849-1880, California Superintendency Online Collection, American Indian Resources Center, County of Los Angeles Public Library.

Regarding Mendocino Reservation.



Folder F3753:502, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Captain Theo. Eckerson to Governor Downey forwarding receipts for ordinance originally sent to General Kibbe, Adjutant General, to sign. Says since he is in East, would Governor assign another officer to receipt for ordinance. Written at Benicia Arsenal, August 7, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“From Long Valley.” Weekly Humboldt Times, August 11, 1860: p. 3, col. 1.




Letter from B.B. Harris to Commissioner of Indian Affairs, August 16, 1860, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, California Superintendency, 1849-1880; 35 mm microfilm, MFL 323.1197, Reel 37.
Letters of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1849-1880, California Superintendency Online Collection, American Indian Resources Center, County of Los Angeles Public Library.

Regarding claims for James D. Savage, who was deceased at the time the letter was written.



Letter from [Illegible], Department of the Interior, to Ch. E. Mix, August 17, 1860, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, California Superintendency, 1849-1880; 35 mm microfilm, MFL 323.1197, Reel 37.
Letters of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1849-1880, California Superintendency Online Collection, American Indian Resources Center, County of Los Angeles Public Library.




“Indians Returning.” Weekly Humboldt Times, August 18, 1860: p. 3, col. 1




Letter from R. H. Ford to Commissioner of Indian Affairs, August 22, 1860, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, California Superintendency, 1849-1880; 35 mm microfilm, MFL 323.1197, Reel 37.
Letters of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1849-1880, California Superintendency Online Collection, American Indian Resources Center, County of Los Angeles Public Library.

R. H. Ford (letter author) is the brother of Henry L. Ford. The letter asks if the recently deceased Henry L. Ford was due anything from the government, which would be left to his father, William Ford.


August 1860

The National Guard of California, 1849-1880 (Part.1), Compiled with the Assistance of the Work Projects Administration from Records in the Adjutant General’s Office of California and the California State Library (Sacramento, 1940), 277.

Downey Guard, Fifth Division, First Brigade, Timbuctoo, Yuba County








Letter from John A. Driebelbis to J. Thompson, September 1, 1860, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, California Superintendency, 1849-1880; 35 mm microfilm, MFL 323.1197, Reel 37.
Letters of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1849-1880, California Superintendency Online Collection, American Indian Resources Center, County of Los Angeles Public Library.

Appointment of John [illegible] Smith, Jr. as Supervisor for the Mendocino Reservation.



“Killed by Indians.” Nevada Democrat, September 12, 1860: p. 1, col. 4.




Letter from John A. Driebelbis to A.B. Greenwood, September 16, 1860, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, California Superintendency, 1849-1880; 35 mm microfilm, MFL 323.1197, Reel 37.
Letters of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1849-1880, California Superintendency Online Collection, American Indian Resources Center, County of Los Angeles Public Library.

Regarding appointment of John [H.?] Smith, Jr. as Supervisor of the Mendocino Reservation.



Letter from John Ferguson to [Charles] E. Mix, September 18, 1860, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, California Superintendency, 1849-1880; 35 mm microfilm, MFL 323.1197, Reel 37.
Letters of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1849-1880, California Superintendency Online Collection, American Indian Resources Center, County of Los Angeles Public Library.

Regarding payment to Isaac M. Ward.



“Indian Revenge.” Weekly Humboldt Times, September 22, 1860: p. 1, col. 3

Hay burned by Indian; refers to “Cave” in Hay Fork Valley, 100 Indians killed at Bridge Gulch in 1852 by Sheriff Dixon’s company who avenged death of Anderson.



Letter from John A. Driebelbis to A.B. Greenwood, September 24, 1860, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, California Superintendency, 1849-1880; 35 mm microfilm, MFL 323.1197, Reel 37.
Letters of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1849-1880, California Superintendency Online Collection, American Indian Resources Center, County of Los Angeles Public Library.

Reports the condition of the Nome Lackee reserve.



Folder F3753:503, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Colonel H.K. Craig, U.S. Army, Ord. Department, to Captain F.D. Callender, Company Commander, Benicia Arsenal, stating by desection Sec. of War all arms and accoutrements issued to California Militia for Indian hostilities must be returned or accounted for properly. Written at Ordinance Office, Washington, D.C., September 27, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“We sincerely deplore…” Weekly Humboldt Times, September 29, 1860: p. 2, col. 1.




“Murder of Casebeer by Indians.” Weekly Humboldt Times, September 29, 1860: p. 2, col. 2.

Justice Jameson, Sheriff Van Nest, Constable Strong, Under Sheriff R. Wiley



“Indian Difficulty in Hoopa Valley.” Weekly Humboldt Times, September 29, 1860: p. 2, col. 2.”




“Indians Returning – What Is To Be Done With Them?” Weekly Humboldt Times, September 29, 1860: p. 2, col. 3.









Reports sent from P. A. [Zuinan?] to J. [illegible] Smith, October 1, 1860, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, California Superintendency, 1849-1880; 35 mm microfilm, MFL 323.1197, Reel 37.
Letters of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1849-1880, California Superintendency Online Collection, American Indian Resources Center, County of Los Angeles Public Library.

Reports on the sanitary conditions of the Indians of Mendocino Reservation.



Folder F3753:505, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from J.P. Haven to Governor Downey asking him to request J.B. Flogd, Secretary of War, Washington, D.C., for loan of light artillery battery for use of California Guard. Includes form of letter to be used in request to Flogd. Written in San Francisco, October 1, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“Recovered; W.M. Buel.” Weekly Humboldt Times, October 6, 1860: p. 2, col. 2.




“Let Them be Returned.” Weekly Humboldt Times, October 6, 1860: p. 3, col. 2




“Summary Execution of Indians at Humboldt Bay.” Trinity Weekly Journal, October 6, 1860: p. 2, col. 2.




“What Our Neighbors Think.” Weekly Humboldt Times, October 13, 1860: p. 2, col. 3.




“House Burned by Indians.” Weekly Humboldt Times, October 13, 1860: p. 2, col. 1.




“Runaway Indians.” Weekly Humboldt Times, October 13, 1860: p. 2, col. 1.

Klamath Reservation



“Indian Agent.” Weekly Humboldt Times, October 20, 1860: p. 3, col. 1.




“Indians from the Reservation.” Weekly Humboldt Times, October 20, 1860: p. 3, col. 2.

Klamath Reservation, locals hindering return of Indians to reservation.



“An Indian Hunter Shot.” Nevada Democrat, October 20, 1860: p. 1, col. 5.




“More Indian Troubles in Mendocino.” Nevada Democrat, October 30, 1860, p. 2, col. 4.




Invoices and inventories for the Klamath and Mendocino Reservations from J. A. Driebelbis, October 31, 1860, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, California Superintendency, 1849-1880; 35 mm microfilm, MFL 323.1197, Reel 37.
Letters of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1849-1880, California Superintendency Online Collection, American Indian Resources Center, County of Los Angeles Public Library.

Invoice of Property on the Klamath Reservation; Inventory of Property on Mendocino Reservation. See also Driebelbis letter of 11/22/1860.









Folder F3753:509, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Captain Callender to Governor Downey acknowledging a letter and stating he will forward it and a copy of a Callender letter to Colonel Craig, Chief of Ordinance, U.S. Army, Washington, D.C. Written at Benicia Arsenal, November 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:507, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Colonel A.K. Craig to J.B. Flogd, Secretary of War, received light artillery battery requested by Governor Downey for loan to California Guard be refused. States more important that it be held in state of readiness in arsenal than used by militia. Written in Washington, D.C., November 2, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:508, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from F.D. Callender, Captain Ordinance, to Governor Downey asking for return of arms or accounting therefore lent the state on May 13 to quell Indian hostilities. Says state must pay for all unaccounted for. This by order of Secretary of War. Written in Benicia Arsenal, November 9, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“Employing Indians.” Weekly Humboldt Times, November 10, 1860, p. 2, col. 2.




“Klamath Reservation.” Weekly Humboldt Times, November 10, 1860: p. 3, col. 1.




Folder F3753:510, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from J.B. Floyd, Sec. of War, to Governor Downey enclosing letter from Chief of Ordinance recommending refusal of request for loan of light artillery battery to California militia. Floyd agrees with rec. Written at War Department, Washington, D.C., November 13, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:511, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from J.P. Floyd, Sec. of War to Governor Downey telling him that currently no money available to skip revised Instruction for Field Artillery just published for state militia. Will issue at Phila. to state representatives, a state’s quota and have asked Congress for appropriation. Written in War Department, Washington, D.C., November 15, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Letter from John Y. Bryant to C. E. Mix, November 17, 1860, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, California Superintendency, 1849-1880; 35 mm microfilm, MFL 323.1197, Reel 37.
Letters of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1849-1880, California Superintendency Online Collection, American Indian Resources Center, County of Los Angeles Public Library.




Folder F3753:512, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Governor Downey to Commander, Coloma Greys, order to turn over 40 muskets and armament to John Schade, Armorier, loaned them by U.S. Army. Written in Sacramento, November 20, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:513, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Unsigned receipts (three) for ordinance stores and equipment issued by Ordinance Department U.S. Army at rate of $13 per musket under state quota of arms. Written in Sacramento, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Letter from John A. Driebelbis to A.B. Greenwood, November 22, 1860, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1881, California Superintendency, 1849-1880; 35 mm microfilm, MFL 323.1197, Reel 37.
Letters of the Office of Indian Affairs, 1849-1880, California Superintendency Online Collection, American Indian Resources Center, County of Los Angeles Public Library.

Regarding Mendocino and Klamath Reservations. Inventories mentioned in the letter at 10/31/1860.



“Indians Returned.” Weekly Humboldt Times, November 24, 1860: p. 2, col. 3.




Folder F3753:514, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Inventory of arms and accouterments ready for shipping prepared by John Schade and forwarded to Governor Downey. Written in Sacramento, November 26, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:804, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Wm. Kibbe, Adjutant General, to McWilliams and Company stating his furniture and papers should be moved by Henry C. Kibbe to the Armory on 3rd Street. He says he will be three more months in Washington and expect to get appropriation from Congress. Written in Washington, November 28, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



A.B. Greenwood, Report of the Commissioner of the Indian Affairs, November 30, 1860, Sen. Exec. Docs., 36 Cong., 2 Sess., Vol. 1, Doc. 1, pp. 235-255 (1078).

Mentions Dreibelbis’ and McDuffie’s appointments as supervising agent pg. 255.



J. Thompson, Report of the Secretary of the Interior, November 30, 1860, Sen. Exec. Docs., 36 Cong., 2 Sess., Vol. 1, Doc. 1, pp. 29-48 (1078).

Mentions California affairs on pg. 34-36.








“Reservation Indians.” Weekly Humboldt Times, December 1, 1860: p. 2, col. 1.




Folder F3753:515, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from Lieutenant J.M. McAllister to Governor Downey acknowledging receipt of shipment of arms and accouterments from John Schade. Written at Benicia Arsenal, December 1, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:516, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Petition from officers of 2nd Division, California Militia, asking Governor Downey to appoint H.W. Halleck former Captain U.S. Army, to Major General Company Commander, 2nd Division to replace J.P. Haven, deceased. Written in San Francisco, December 1, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:517, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Receipt for all articles sent by Governor to arsenal on December 1. List ok except six bayonets and 442 tompions over, now credited to California’s account. Asks receipt from Lieutenant McAllister. Written at Benicia Arsenal December 5, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“At It Again.” Weekly Humboldt Times, December 8, 1860: p. 3, col. 1.




Folder F3753:519, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Petition in French from members of French Guard to Governor Downey requesting Brigadier General Cobb be promoted to Major General and the reasons therefore. Written in San Francisco, December 10, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



Folder F3753:519, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Receipt from Theodore J. Eckerson for arms and accouterments delivered to arsenal by Schade for Governor Downey. Holds complete list – many articles called unserviceable. Written at Benicia Arsenal, December 13, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“Troops for the South Fork of the Eel River.” Weekly Humboldt Times, December 15, 1860, p. 2, col. 2; p.3, col. 1.

U.S. troops from Fort Humboldt sent.



“Humboldt County Indians and Klamath Reservation.” Weekly Humboldt Times, December 15, 1860: p. 2, col. 1.




“Letter from the Klamath Reservation.” Weekly Humboldt Times, December 15, 1860: p. 2, col. 2.




“Shot by Indians.” Weekly Humboldt Times, December 15, 1860: p. 2, col. 2.




Folder F3753:522, Military Department. Adjutant General. Indian War Papers, F3753, California State Archives.

Letter from 1st Lieutenant J. McAllister to Governor Downey transmitting copies of receipts of arms and accouterments received from him. Tells Downey to forward ammunition receipts to Ord. Department and will receive credit for it. Written at Benicia Arsenal, December 17, 1860.

No copy of document; citation only.



“Ho There!” Weekly Humboldt Times, December 22, 1860, p. 2, col.1-2.

Kidnapping Indian children occurring in Humboldt county.



“Troops for Eel River.” Weekly Humboldt Times, December 22, 1860: p. 3, col. 1.

US troops sent, 30 in number with 30 days supply of rations.



“Indian Affairs.” Weekly Humboldt Times, December 29, 1860: p. 3, col. 1.




“Fight with Indians at South Eel River.” Weekly Humboldt Times, December 29, 1860: p. 3, col. 2.






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